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Oud, Jacobus Johannes Pieter (J.J.P) [1890-1963. Netherlands. Architect/Furniture Designer/Painter]


Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud [also known as J.J.P.Oud] was born in Purmerend, The… subscribers only

Stamm, Günther. J. P. P. Oud. Bauten und Projekte 1906 bis 1963. (Berlin: Kupferberg, 1984)

Stamm, Günther. J. P. P. Oud. Bauten und Projekte 1906 bis 1963. (Berlin: Kupferberg, 1984)


1. De Stijl: 1917-1931. Visions of Utopia. Introduction by Hans L.C. Jaffé. Edited by Mildred Friedman. Oxford, England: Phaidon 1982 [ISBN 0 7148 2250 7]

2. Dutch decorative arts 1880-1940. Edited by Titus M. Eliëns, Marjan Groot and Frans Leidelmeijer. Kingston, New York: Battledore Ltd., 1997

3. Oud, Hans. J.J.P. Oud Architekt 1890-1963. Feiten en herinneringen gerangschikt. The Hague: Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 1984

4. Stamm, Günther. J. P. P. Oud. Bauten und Projekte 1906 bis 1963. Berlin: Kupferberg, 1984

5. Taverne, Ed; Wagenaar, Cor; and De Vletter, Martien. J.J.P. Oud: A Poetic Functionalist 1890 - 1963 - The Complete Works Rotterdam: NAi Publishers, 2001

See: 7 Records for Oud, Jacobus Johannes Pieter (J.J.P) in DAR
See: 3 Pages for Oud, Jacobus Johannes Pieter (J.J.P) in ReView