Rudolf Ernest Charles Ihlee [commonly known Rudolf Ihlee; also known as Rudolph … subscribers only
Kitchen still life, by Rudolph Ihlee
1. Catalogue of paintings by R. Ihlee. London: New Chenil Galleries, 1926 2. Paintings and drawings by R. Ihlee. London: Carfax & Co., Ltd., 1914 3. Paintings and drawings by Rudolph Ihlee. Peterborough, England: Peterborought Arts Council, 1951 [Catalogue of an exhibition held at St. Peter's College Hall, Peterborough] 4. Rudolph Ihlee, 1883-1968. London: Belgrave Gallery, 1978 [Catalogue of exhibition held: 26 August-17 September 1978, Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield ; 4-27 October 1978, Belgrave Gallery, London] 5. Trollope, James. Rudolph Ihlee: The Road to Collioure. London: Lund Humphries, 2022