Frank Barlow Osborn was born in Edgbaston, Birmingham, England in 1840 and was a… subscribers only
Photograph of Frank Barlow Osborn
1. Abbott, Donald. ‘Frank Barlow Osborn’ in Birmingham’s Victorian and Edwardian Architects, edited by Philada Ballard. Wetherby: Oblong Creative Ltd. for the Birmingham and West Midlands Group of the Victorian Society, 2009 pp. 275-291 2. Directory of British Architects 1834-1914. Compiled by Antonia Brodie, et al. Volume 2: L-Z. London; New York: British Architectural Library, Royal Institute of British Architects/Continuum, 2001 3. ‘Obituary’. The Builder vol. 92, 13 April 1907 p. 453