Arts + Architecture ProFiles


Arts + Architecture ProFiles contains contains biographical data on nearly 45,000 artists, architects, designers, craftspeople, firms and studios. It mainly includes names whose work is discussed or illustrated in the AHR net databases ReView, Design Abstracts Retrospective and in Research Source 1 & Research Source 2


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d'Ailly, Ragnhild [1897-1951. Netherlands. Textile Designer]
d'Anethan, Alex [1848-1921. Belgium. Painter]
D'Aniello, Pierangela [1939-. Italy. Architect/Industrial/Furniture Designer]
D'Arrigo, Elisa [1953-. USA. Sculptor/Ceramist]
d'Heureux, Adrienne [-. France. Ceramist/Embroiderer/Decorative Painter]
D'Honte, Grete [-. Canada. Furniture Designer]
D'Olszowska, Irène [-. Belgium. Lace Designer/Maker]
da Rocha Lima, Lygia [-. Brazil. Bookbinder]
Daemen, Jo [1891-1944. Netherlands. Illustrator/Stained Glass Designer]
Dagget, Jessie [-. USA. Ceramist]
Daggett, Maud [1883-1941. USA. Sculptor]
Dahlquist, Inga-Britt ('Ibe') [1924-1961. Sweden. Jewellery Designer]
Dähne, Amy [-. Germany. Metalsmith]
Dailey, Anne Emily [1872-1935. USA. Painter/Illustrator]
Dalby, Helen [-. UK. Textile Designer]
Dale, Gertrude [1851-1927. UK. Metalworker/Painter]
Dale, L.G. (Lily) [c.1880-1948. UK. Jewellery Designer]
Dalenoord, Jenny [1918-. Netherlands. Illustrator/Woodcut Artist/Painter]
Dallas, Anna (Ann) Chassar [1888-1950. UK. Painter/Lithographer]
Dallos, Hanna [1907-1945. Hungary. Graphic/Poster Designer]
Dambach, Kathy [-. USA. Ceramist/Sculptor]
Dancy, Mary [-. UK. Embroiderer]
Dangar, Anne Garvin [1885-1951. Australia/France. Painter/Ceramist]
Daniel, Emily [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Daniel, Greta [1905-1962. Germany/USA. Museum Curator]
Daniel, Marjorie [-. UK. Embroiderer]
Daniel, Susan [1945-. USA. Textile Artist]
Daniell, Evangeline Mary (Eva)  [1880-. UK. Postcard Designer]
Daniels, Audrey [-. USA. Fibre Artist/Jewellery Designer]
Danielson-Gambogi, Elin  [1861-1919. Finland/Italy. Painter]
Danielsson, Vera [-. Sweden. Embroiderer]
Dankovsky, Bela [-. USA. Graphic Artist]
Dannenfelser, Susan [-. USA. Ceramist]
Danziger, Dorothy [-. USA. Graphic Designer]
Danziger, Joan [1934-. USA. Sculptor]
Darby, Kathleen [-. UK. Industrial/Packaging Designer]
Darcé, Virginia [1910-. USA. Painter/Illustrator/Craftsperson]
Darlington, Frances Taplin [1880-1940. UK. Sculptor/Medallist]
Darwin, Elinor Mary [1871-1954. Ireland. Painter/Wood Engraver/Illustrator]
Das, Elsie [1903-1962. USA. Graphic Artist/Painter/Sculptor/Textile Designer]
Datz, Margot [-. USA. Sculptor/Muralist/Painter/Illustrator]
Dauber, Liz [-. USA. Illustrator]
Daunis-Dunning, Patricia [1950-. USA. Jewellery Designer]
Davenport, Elsie G. [-. UK. Weaver]
Davey, Edith [-. UK. Painter]
Davey, Edith Mary [1867-1953. UK. Painter/Decorative Arist]
David, Hermine [1886-1970. France. Painter/Illustrator]
Davids, Renée [1877-1949. France. Painter]
Davidson, Clara D. (Simpson, Clara D.) [1874-1962. USA. Painter]
Davidson, Jaclyn [1946-. USA. Jewellery Designer/Metalsmith]
Davidson, Lilli Ursula Barbara Victoria ('Victoria') [1915-1999. Germany/UK. Illustrator/Cartoonist/Poster Designer]
Davidson, Marian [-. UK. Ceramist/Sculptor]
Davidson, Nina Miller (Miller-Davidson, Nina) [1895-1972. UK. Illustrator/Graphic Artist/Painter/Stained Glass Designer/Muralist]
Davidson, Virginia [-. USA. Ceramist]
Davies, Constance Mary [c.1847-1922. UK. Textile Designer]
Davies, Elizabeth [1877-1944. UK. Embroiderer/Illuminator/Enameller/Painter]
Davies, Louise [1886-. UK. Craftworker]
Davies, M.E. [-. UK. Metalworker/Silversmith]
Davies, Margaret [-. UK. Metalworker/Enameller]
Davies, Winefred Wilton [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Davis, Agnes Pinder [-. UK. Illustrator/Ceramist]
Davis, Doris A. [-. UK. Painter/Etcher]
Davis, Gladys Rockmore [1901-1967. USA. Painter/Illustrator]
Davis, Lenore [1936-1995. USA. Quilter/Fibre Artist]
Davis, Mary [1866-1941. UK. Decorative Artist/Painter]
Davis, May [1914-1995. UK/New Zealand. Ceramist]
Davis, Meredith [1948-. USA. Graphic Designer]
Davis, Naomi [-. USA. Jewellery Designer]
Davis, Nelsie [1947-. USA. Jewellery Designer/Metalsmith]
Davis, Olea [1899-1977. Canada. Ceramist]
Davis, Ruth Danielson [1909-. USA. Textile Designer/Fibre Artist]
Davison, Amy [-. USA. Metalsmith/Jewellery Designer/Plastics Artist]
Davison, Gladys Dorothy [1889-1922. UK. Painter]
Davison, Kendra [-. USA. Ceramist]
Davison, Nora  [1855-1950. UK. Painter]
Davydoff, Miriamna [1871-1961. Russia/France. Painter/Illustrator]
Davydova, Natalia Yakovlevna [1873-1926. Russia/USSR. Embroiderer]
Dawson, Bessie [-. UK. Metalworker/Decorative Artist]
Dawson, Doris M. [-. UK. Ceramist]
Dawson, Dorothy [-. Ireland. Jewellery Designer/Illuminator/Embroiderer]
Dawson, Edith (Robinson, Edith) [1862-1928. UK. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer/Metalworker/Painter]
Dawson, Eva A. [-. Ireland. Rug Designer]
Dawson, Lucy [1875-1954. UK. Painter/Etcher/Commercial Artist]
Dawson, Mabel [1887-1965. UK. Painter/Embroiderer]
Dawson, Madge [-. UK. Painter/Decorative Designer]
Dawson, Mary Elizabeth (M.E.) [1866-1942. UK. Painter/Embroiderer/Decorative Artist]
Dawson, Muriel [1897-1974. New Zealand/UK. Painter/Illustrator]
Dawson, R.B. [-. UK. Metalworker]
Day, Clara [-. UK. Embroiderer]
Day, Lily [1870-. UK. Jewellery/Decorative Designer]
Day, Lucienne [1917-2010. UK. Textile/Wallpaper Designer]
Day, Rosamond Stricker [1910-. USA. Painter/Textile Designer]
Day, Ruth Emma [c.1850-1929. UK. Embroiderer]
Day, Ruth M. [c.1875-1918. UK. Embroiderer]
de Amaral, Olga [1932-. Colombia/USA. Fibre Artist]
de Bretteville, Sheila Levrant [1940-. USA. Graphic Designer]
De Castro, Margaret [1872-1961. UK. Jewellery Designer]
de Coster, Germaine [1895-1992. France. Bookbinder/Illustrator]
De Grey, Mabel [1855-1942. UK. Furniture Designer/Woodcraft Designer]
De Grey, Odeyne [1860-1947. UK. Woodcraft Designer]
De la Mare, G.A. [-. UK. Decorative Painter/Designer]
De la Mare, Gertrude Amelia  [1885-1974. UK. Decorative Painter/Designer]
De la Mare, Gertude Amelia  [1885-1974. UK. Decorative Painter/Designer]
De Lerma, Sofia [1891-1961. Netherlands. Ceramist/Sculptor]
De Lisle, Georgina Lucy [1872-1937. UK. Painter/Engraver/Etcher/Ceramist]
de Majo, Veronica Mary [1919-1992. UK. Graphic Designer/Sculptor]
de Montane, Margo [-. USA. Weaver]
De Morgan, Evelyn [1855-1919. UK. Painter/Sculptor]
de Nobili, Lila [1916-2002. Switzerland. Theatre/Film Set/Costume Designer/Illustrator/Painter]
De Patta, Margaret [1903-1964. USA. Metalsmith/Jewelley Designer/Painter]
de Peillon, Charlotte [-. France. Packaging Designer]
de Polo, Lydia [-. USA. Furniture Designer]
de Rheims, Edith [-. UK. Bookbinder]
de Rheims, Florence [-. UK. Bookbinder]
de Trey, Marianne [1913-2016. UK. Ceramist]
de Vasconcellos, Josephina [1904-2005. UK. Sculptor]
de Vere, Alison (Devere, Alison) [1927-2001. USA. Animator]
de Verley, Ivy [1879-1963. UK. Painter]
de Wilde, Josephine [-. Belgium. Ceramist/Decorative Artist]
Dealy, Jane Mary [1856-1939. UK. Painter/Illustrator]
Dean, E. [-. Sweden. Textile Designer]
Dean, Ethel [-. USA. Textile Designer]
Dean, Richmond Leslie Stansmore [1866-1944. UK. Painter]
Deane, Miriam [1855-1945. UK. Painter/Printmaker]
Dearmer, Mabel [1872-1915. UK. Illustrator/Poster Designer]
Debillemont-Chardon, Gabrielle [1860-1957. France. Painter/Enameller]
Decker, Elizabeth (Lizzie) [1873-. UK. Painter/Etcher]
Dedié, Johanna [1865-. Germany. Textile Artist/Embroiderer]
DeFeo, Jay [1929-1989. USA. Jewellery Designer/Painter/Photographer]
Defraoui, Silvie (Defraoui, Silvia) [1935-. Switzerland. Ceramist/Mixed Media/Video Artist]
Degener, Patricia [1924-2008. USA. Ceramist/Journalist]
DeGraw, Evelyn [1910-1981. USA. Weaver]
Dehrmann, Martha (Marta) [1863-. Germany. Painter]
Dekk, Dorrit [1917-2014. Czechoslovakia/Austria/UK. Graphic Designer/Painter]
Del Pierre, Francine [1917-1968. France. Ceramist]
Del Ponte, Amalia [1936-. Italy. Sculptor/Jewellery Designer]
Delahunt, Jennie [1876-1954. UK. Sculptor]
DeLange, Stephanie [-. USA. Ceramist]
Delano, Irene [1919-1982. Puerto Rico. Graphic/Poster Designer/Illustrator]
Delaunay, Sonia [1885-1979. Russia/France. Textile/Fashion/Theatre/Graphic Designer]
Delavigne, M. [-. USA. Embroiderer]
Delefant, Luise [1921-. Germany. Painter/Textile/Wallpaper Designer]
Delillier, Henriette [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Delleany, Margaret (Greta) Annie Mary Adelaide [1884-1968. UK. Painter/Etcher]
Delorme, Marguerite [1876-1946. France. Painter]
Delpech, Julie-Isabelle [-. France. Painter]
Delpierre, Claude [-. France. Bookbinder/Papermaker]
Demagnez, Marie Antoinette [1869-1925. France. Sculptor]
Demanche, Blanche Marguerite [1868-. France. Painter]
Dempster, M.J. [1856-. UK. Painter]
Dempster, Margaret [1863-1935. UK. Painter]
Demuth, Ida [-. Germany. Embroiderer]
Denby, Elizabeth [1894-1965. UK. Architectural Consultant/Urban Planner]
Dengg, Gertrud (Gertrude) [1885-. Austria. Ceramist/Sculptor]
Denhof, Miki [1912-2000. USA. Graphic Designer/Art Director/Photographer]
Denley, Mary [-. UK. Ceramist]
Denning, Kaye [-. USA. Enameller/Jewellery Designer]
Dennis, Ada [1862-1900. UK. Ceramist/Illustrator]
Dennison, Christabel [1884-1925. UK. Painter/Sculptor]
Dennys, Joyce [1893-1991. UK. Painter/Illustrator/Cartoonist]
Deppe, Marlaina [-. USA. Painter/Batik Artist]
DeRespinis, Lucia [1927-. USA. Industrial Designer]
Dernburg-Seliger, Emma [1860-1941. Germany. Weaver]
Derrick, Freda [1892-1969. UK. Painter/Illustrator]
Derrick, Gladys M. [-. UK. Tapestry Designer]
Des Clayes, Gertrude [1879-1949. UK/Canada. Painter]
Desaille, Antoinette [1878-1905. France. Illustrator/Painter]
Desclayes, Gertrude [1879-1949. UK/Canada. Painter]
Desliens, Cécile [1853-1937. France. Painter]
Desliens, Marie [1856-1938. France. Painter]
Desma, Marthe-Louise [-. France. Decorative Designer]
Desrochers-Drolet, Françoise [1921-. Canada. Ceramist/Enameller]
Dessau, Igrid [1923-2000. Sweden. Textile Designer]
Dessau, Ingrid [1923-2000. Sweden. Textile Designer/Weaver]
Deuchars, Marion [1964-. UK. Illustrator/Graphic Designer]
Deutsch, Marianne [1877-1970. Austria. Graphic Artist]
Dewar, Margaret De Courcy Lewthwaite [1878-1959. UK. Metalworker/Enameller]
Dhaemers, Penny [-. USA. Ceramist/Multimedia Designer]
Diamond, Freda [1905-1998. USA. Industrial/Textile/Furniture Designer]
Dibble, Mabel C. [-. USA. Ceramist]
Dick, Edith A. [1863-?. UK. Jeweller Designer/Enameller]
Dickenson, Mary B. [-. Canada. Ceramist]
Dicker, Friedl (Dicker-Brandeis, Friedl) [1898-1944. Austria. Architect/Furniture/Interior Designer/Artist]
Dickie, Doreeen [1902-. Ireland. Metaworker]
Dickinson, Annie Josephine [1864-1953. UK. Painter/Lace Designer]
Dickinson, Margaret I. (Dickinson, I. Margaret) [-. UK. Woodcarver]
Dickinson, Page Lawrence [1881-1958. Ireland. Architect/Illustrator/Painter]
Dickinson, Phoebe Peto (Willets-Dickinson, Phoebe Peto) [1917-1978. UK. Painter]
Didier, Jeanne [-. France. Painter]
Didier, Jules [1831-1892. France. Painter/Engraver]
Diehl, Edith [1876-1953. USA. Bookbinder]
Dienes, Sari [1898-1992. Hungary/USA. Assemblage Artist/Printmaker]
Dietschi, Elisabeth [1926-. Switzerland. Graphic Designer]
Dièz-Dührkoop, Minya [1873-1929. Germany. Photographer]
Dight, Ida M. [-. UK. Embroiderer]
Dillaye, Blanche [1851-1931. USA. Painter/Illustrator/Poster/Jewellery Designer/Etcher/Silversmith]
Dinclau, Hildegard [-. Sweden. Weaver]
Dintenfass, Marylyn [1943-. USA. Ceramist/Painter/Printmaker/Sculptor]
Dionyse, Carmen [1921-2013. Belgium. Ceramist/Sculptor]
Diriks, Anna Maria (Westerberg, Anna Maria) [1870-1932. Sweden/France. Painter]
Dismorr, Jessica Stewart [1885-1939. UK. Painter/Illustrator]
Ditzel, Nanna [1923-2005. Denmark. Furniture/Jewellery Designer]
Dix, Dorothy [-. UK. Painter]
Dix, Eulabee Dix (Becker, Eulabeee Dix) [1878-1961. USA. Painter]
Dixon, H. Margaret [-. UK. Embroiderer]
Dixon, Mary (May) [c.1870-?. UK. Painter/Illustrator/Commercial Artist]
Dixon, Sandra [-2003. USA. Graphic/Packaging Designer/Calligrapher]
Djo-Bourgeois, Elise (Bourgeois, Elise) [-1986. France. Textile/Interior Designer]
Dobbin, Ethel M. [1870-1955. UK. Etcher/Illustrator/Christmas Card Designer/Decorative Artist]
Dobeneck, Hedwig von [-. Germany. Embroiderer/Jewellery Designer]
Dobito, Ella M. (Dobito, Mimi) [-. UK. Embroiderer/Jewellery Designer]
Dobrée, Valentine [1894-1974. UK. Painter]
Dodd, Helen [-. Australia. Ceramist]
Dodd, Phyllis [1899-1995. UK. Painter]
Doddrell, Dorothy [1895-. UK. Sculptor]
Dodgson, Francis Catherine [1883-1954. UK. Painter]
Dodman, Dorothy [-. Canada. Ceramist]
Dods-Withers, Isobelle Ann [1876-1939. UK. Painter]
Dodson, Sarah Paxton Ball [1847-1906. USA. Painter]
Doering, Mavis [1929-2007. USA. Basketmaker]
Does de Willebois, Sophia (Sophie) van der [1891-1961. Netherlands. Ceramist]
Doggett, Jane Davis [1929-. USA. Photographer/Graphic Designer]
Dohlmann, Helen [1870-1942. Denmark. Sculptor]
Dohn, Pauline Amalie (Rudolph, Pauline Dohn) [1865-1934. USA. Painter]
Domergue, Jeanne [1880-. France. Decorative Artist]
Donaldson, Phyllis [-. UK. Textile Designer]
Doncaster, Kitty [-. UK. Weaver]
Doner, Michele Oka [1945-. USA. Ceramist]
Donne, Winifred [1882-1944. UK. Painter]
Doran, Mary [-. Ireland. Metalworker/Enameller]
Doring, Marguerite [1894-. UK. Poster Designer/Decorative Painter]
Dorn, Marion [1896-1964. USA/UK. Textile/Carpet/Rug Designer]
Dorph, Bertha [1875-1960. Denmark. Painter]
Dorre, Ida [-. Hungary. Textile Designer/Batik Artist]
Dougherty, Betty Joyce [1922-. USA. Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Typographer]
Douglas, Ellen A. [-. UK. Embroiderer]
Douthwaite, Patricia [1934-2002. UK. Painter]
Downing, Alice [-. UK. Embroiderer]
Downing, Edith Elizabeth [1857-1931. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Doxat, Alida (Lida) [1892-1936. Germany/Austria. Ceramist/Graphic Designer]
Doyle, Alice F. [-. Ireland. Ceramist]
Dozier, Velma Davis [1901-1988. USA. Jewellery Designer/Metalsmith/Painter]
Dozoul, F. [-. France. Wallpaper Designer]
Drackley, Susan E.A. [-. UK. Embroiderer]
Drago, Margarita [-. Argentina. Sculptor]
Draper, Amy G. [-. UK. Painter]
Drawbell, Marjorie [-. UK. Ceramist]
Dreher, Brunhilde [-. Austria. Textile Designer]
Dreher, Patricia [1941-. USA. Textile Artist/Painter]
Dressel, Frannie [1921-. USA. Textile Designer/Printmaker]
Dressler, Ada [-. Ireland. Painter]
Dressler, Suzanne [-. UK. Embroiderer]
Drevenstedt, Amy [-. USA. Illustrator]
Drew, Dorothea Anne Harvey [1873-1942. UK. Painter/Engraver/Illustrator]
Drew, Jane B. [1911-1996. UK. Architect]
Drew, Joan Harvey [1875-1961. UK. Embroiderer/Painter/Poster Designer]
Drewes-Kofoed, Elisabeth [1877-1948. Denmark. Ceramist/Painter]
Driffield, Muriel T. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Dring, Lilian May [1908-1998. UK. Embroiderer/Painter]
Droege, Emma [1848-1942. Germany. Woodcut Artist/Illustrator]
Droppa, Judit [1948-. Hungary. Textile Designer/Fibre Artist]
Drucker, Johanna [1952-. USA. Graphic Designer/Book Artist/Typographer/Art Historian]
Drumm, Lisa (Plavcan, Lisa) [1936-. USA. Fibre Artist]
Drummond, K.R (Kitty) [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Drummond, Rosabella [1869-1945. UK. Jewellery Designer/Painter]
Dryden, Helen [1887-1981. USA. Illustrator/Industrial/Automobile Designer]
du Pasquier, Nathalie [1957-. France/Italy. Textile/Furniture Designer]
DuBois, Emily [1946-. USA. Weaver]
Duchamp, Suzanne [1889-1963. France. Painter]
Ducksbury, Sally [1934-. UK. Illustrator/Painter/Printmaker]
Duckworth, Ruth [1919-2009. Germany/UK/USA. Ceramist/Sculptor]
Duczynska, Irma von [1869-1932. Austria/Germany. Painter]
Dudchenko, Nancy [1943-. USA. Ceramist/Sculptor]
Dudley, Virginia [1913-1981. USA. Painter/Enameller/Sculptor/Graphic Artist/Photographer/Jewellery Designer]
Duer, Caroline [-. USA. Decoupage Arist]
Dufau, Clémentine-Hélène [1869-1937. France. Painter/Poster Designer/Illustrator/Muralist]
Duffin, Sylvia M. [-1962. Ireland. Jewellery Designer]
Dufner, Edward [1872-1957. USA. Painter]
Duhem, Marie [1871-1918. France. Painter]
Duigan, Sidney Mary [1860-1954. UK. Painter/Woodcarver]
Dumas, Hélène [1896-1995. France. Bookbinder]
Dumitresco, Natalia [1915-1997. Romania/France. Painter/Lithographer]
Dunbar, Evelyn [1906-1960. UK. Painter/Illustrator]
Duncan, Dorothy (Weston, Dorothy [1881-1971. UK. Painter/Decorative Artist]
Duncan, Mary W. [1918-. UK. Textile Designer]
Duncan, R.C. [-. UK. Textile Designer/Embroiderer]
Dunitz, Dorothy [-. USA. Ceramist]
Dunkley, Lilian M. [-. UK. Embroiderer]
Dunlap, Mary Stewart [1846-1923. USA. Painter]
Dunlop, Jessie I. [1902-1970. UK. Painter]
Dunlop, Margaret Irene (Shakerley, Margaret Irene) [1893-1965. UK. Stained Glass Designer/Painter]
Dunn, Constance [1904-. UK. Ceramist]
Dunn, Eva G. [-. UK. Painter/Muralist]
Dunn, Renée [-. UK. Toy Designer/Maker]
Dunn, Sheila [1900-1973. UK. Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Cartoonist]
Duprey, Marguerite [-. UK. Textile Designer/Painter]
Durán, Victorina [1899-1993. Argentina. Painter]
Durand [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Durand, Jeanne [-. France. Painter]
Durkee, E.W. [-. USA. Metalsmith/Jewellery Designer]
Durkee, Helen Winslow [1880-1954. USA. Painter/Etcher]
Durkin, Hilda [-. UK. Textile Designer]
DuSell, Mary [-. USA. Jewellery Designer]
Duszniak, Danuta [-. Poland. Ceramist]
Dyckerhoff, Lucie [-. Germany. Dress Designer]
d’Erlanger, Catherine [1874-1959. France/UK. Painter/Art Patron]