Arts + Architecture ProFiles


Arts + Architecture ProFiles contains contains biographical data on nearly 45,000 artists, architects, designers, craftspeople, firms and studios. It mainly includes names whose work is discussed or illustrated in the AHR net databases ReView, Design Abstracts Retrospective and in Research Source 1 & Research Source 2


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Nichols, Steve [-. USA. Naval Architect/Boat Designer]
Royal Irish School of Art Needlework [1894-1915. Ireland. Needlework School]
Lakich, Lili [1944-. USA. Neon Artist/Graphic Designer]
Rantei [-. Japan. Netsuke carver]
Tadatoshi [-. Japan. Netsuke carver]
Tomotada, Izumiya  [-. Japan. Netsuke carver]
Haramitsu [-. Japan. Netsuke sculptor]
Ikko [-. Japan. Netsuke sculptor]
Masayoshi [-. Japan. Netsuke Sculptor]
Tametaka, Nagoya [-. Japan. Netsuke sculptor]
Toyomasa, Naito [1873-1856. Japan. Netsuke sculptor]
TASS [1902-. Russia/USSR. News Agency]
McCurdy, Charles Albert [1870-1941. UK. Newspaper Manager/President of the Advertising Association (1926-28)]
Andreyev, Leonid [1871-1919. Russia. Novelist/Dramatist]
Gorky, Maxim [1868-1936. Russia/USSR. Novelist/Dramatist]
Thackeray, William Makepeace [1811-1863. UK. Novelist/Illustrator]
George Jackman and Son (Jackman’s Nursery) [-1967. UK. Nursery]