Arts + Architecture ProFiles


Arts + Architecture ProFiles contains contains biographical data on nearly 45,000 artists, architects, designers, craftspeople, firms and studios. It mainly includes names whose work is discussed or illustrated in the AHR net databases ReView, Design Abstracts Retrospective and in Research Source 1 & Research Source 2


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Falke, Ursula [1896-1981. Germany. Dancer/Graphic Artist]
Baker, Melinda M. [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Barker, Mary H. [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Bartlett, M.B. [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Baudouin, Marcelle [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Bergner, Lucia B. [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Blahy, Irene [-. Austria. Decorative Artist]
Blyth, Mary [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Cameron, Beatrice [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Chatwin, Isabella Gertrude [1874-1931. UK. Decorative Artist]
Chauvel, Marie-Blanche [1895-. France. Decorative Artist]
Clague, Daisy [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Clegg, Ada [1871-1942. UK. Decorative Artist]
Curtis, Phoebe A. [-. Ireland. Decorative Artist]
Davies, Winefred Wilton [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Delillier, Henriette [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Domergue, Jeanne [1880-. France. Decorative Artist]
Durand [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Fellows, Annie [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Gabler, Helene (Gabler, Helena, Gabler, Ada) [1897-1980. Austria. Decorative Artist]
Gill, Molly [-. Ireland. Decorative Artist]
Glasgow, Roberta [1877-1956. UK. Decorative Artist]
Glasgow, Roberta A. [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Heaton, Ellen [-1906. UK. Decorative Artist]
Hennecart, Berthe [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Herwegh, A. [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Howie, Lilie (Lily) [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Isaac, Rose Amelia [1890-1959. UK. Decorative Artist]
Martelli, Marie [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Milesi, Juliette [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Moll, Pauline [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Moray, T. Dawson [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Morisset, Blanche [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Morisset, Henriette [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Rault, Gabrielle Louise [1874-1948. France. Decorative Artist]
Reed, Margaret [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Rouzard, Gabrielle Henriette [-. France. Decorative Artist]
Russell, Margaret B. [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Ryan, Esther [-. Ireland. Decorative Artist]
Stage, Bertha [-. Denmark. Decorative Artist]
Vicary, Alice Mary (Moira, Alice Mary) [1884-1964. UK. Decorative Artist]
Warmsley, Doris A. [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Wersin, Hertha (Herta) [1888-1971. Germany. Decorative Artist]
Willis, Johé [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Wilson, Margaret Thomson [1864-1912. UK. Decorative Artist]
Wylie, Jennie [-. UK. Decorative Artist]
Bassett, Mary Ann [1853-1948. UK. Decorative Artist/Bookbinder]
Flögl, Mathilde [1893-1958. Austria. Decorative Artist/Graphic/Jewellery/Textile/Fashion Designer]
Henderson, Elspeth R. [-. UK. Decorative Artist/Illuminator]
Sandell, Ethel Mary [1876-1945. UK. Decorative Artist/Illuminator/Illustrator]
Gribble, Eleanor Mary (Woolmer, Eleanor Mary) [1883-1960. UK. Decorative Artist/Illustrator]
McLeish, Annie [1877-1919. UK. Decorative Artist/Illustrator]
Trotter, Alys Fane [1863-1961. Ireland/UK. Decorative Artist/Illustrator]
Rawnsley, Alice Julia (Rawnsley, Mrs Willingham) [1849-1941. UK. Decorative Artist/Illustrator/Painter]
Heap, Amy Elizabeth [1874-1956. UK/Australia. Decorative Artist/Illustrator/Painter/Photographer/Textile/Fashion Designer]
Guedin, Colette [1905-2000. France. Decorative Artist/Interior/Furniture/Jewellery Designer]
Hildesheim, H. Gertrude [c.1873-1948. UK. Decorative Artist/Jewellery Designer]
Macqueron, Alice [1903-. France. Decorative Artist/Jewellery Designer]
Pickett, Edith J. [-. UK. Decorative Artist/Jewellery Designer]
Davis, Mary [1866-1941. UK. Decorative Artist/Painter]
Edmonds, Lilian [1869-1952. UK. Decorative Artist/Painter]
Henson, Hilda M. [-. UK. Decorative Artist/Painter]
Lefroy, Frances Jane [1877-1964. UK. Decorative Artist/Painter]
Tedder, Mary R. [1858-1909. UK. Decorative Artist/Painter]
Trotter, Alys F. [1863-1962. UK/South Africa. Decorative Artist/Painter]
Ward, Katharine Mary [1864-1945. UK. Decorative Artist/Painter]
Whistler, Beatrice [1857-1896. UK. Decorative Artist/Painter]
Sparks, Ellen [1863-. UK. Decorative Artist/Painter/Engraver]
Lloyd, Geraldine [-. UK. Decorative Artist/Quilter]
Hunt, Gladys Millais Mulock Holman [1876-1952. UK. Decorative Artist/Sculptor]
Clement, Dorothea Maud [1880-1972. UK. Decorative Artist/Sculptor/Painter]
Tytler, Mary Fraser Seton (Mrs G.F. Watts) [1849-1938. UK. Decorative Artist/Sculptor/Painter]
Bunoust, Madeleine [1885-1974. France. Decorative Artist/Wallpaper Designer/Painter]
Alberts, Helene [-. Germany. Decorative Designer]
Baker, Muriel J. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Benda, Hedwig [-. Germany. Decorative Designer]
Benjamin, Louisa [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Berta, Edoardo [1867-1931. Switzerland. Decorative Designer]
Björnberg, D. [-. Finland. Decorative Designer]
Black, J. Lindsay [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Bock von Wülfingen, Dorothea [-. USA. Decorative Designer]
Braggio, Paolina [-. Italy. Decorative Designer]
Bromhall, Edith M. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Brown, Esther, N. F. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Champs, Marcelle [-. France. Decorative Designer]
Cochran, Kate [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Colvis, Marie [1857-1912. France. Decorative Designer]
Coronio, Calliope [1856-1906. UK. Decorative Designer]
Cotesworth, Alice [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Courtnay, Isabel [-. Ireland. Decorative Designer]
Curran, Zeta [-. Ireland. Decorative Designer]
Desma, Marthe-Louise [-. France. Decorative Designer]
Foster, L.M. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Fuller, Beata A. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
George, Florence [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Gill, Ethel [1878-1961. UK. Decorative Designer]
Goodwin, Beatrice [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Gordon, Jean [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Gray, Grace R. [-. Ireland. Decorative Designer]
Hall, Ethel [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Hantz, Hélène [1877-1963. Switzerland. Decorative Designer]
Harrison, G.M. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Hausberg, Margarethe [-. Germany. Decorative Designer]
Henry, Annette S. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Higgins, Clara [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Homewood, Florence Mary [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Hornblower, Florence S. [1873-1961. UK. Decorative Designer]
Horton, Winifred M. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Hunter, Olive [-. Ireland. Decorative Designer]
Jacquin, Alice [-. France. Decorative Designer]
Kilz, Gertrud [1872-. Germany. Decorative Designer]
Koenig-Woerner, Hertha [-. Germany. Decorative Designer]
Lauzanne, Blanche [-. France. Decorative Designer]
Lawrance, Winifred [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Le Roy-Desrivières, Gabrielle (Leroy-Desrivières, Gabrielle) [-. France. Decorative Designer]
Leistikov, V.C. [-. Germany. Decorative Designer]
Loch, Alice Gordon [1868-1957. UK. Decorative Designer]
Lynes, Elizabeth [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Macgoun, Janet Ann Stuart [1857-1933. UK. Decorative Designer]
Makovsky, E. [-. Finland. Decorative Designer]
Mangin, M. [-. France. Decorative Designer]
Martin, C.E. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Martin-Sabon, Nathalie [1855-1931. France. Decorative Designer]
Martindale, Veronica [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Milde, Gertrude [-. Germany. Decorative Designer]
Nigrelli, Teresa [-. Italy. Decorative Designer]
Oldfeld, Hedwig [-. Austria. Decorative Designer]
Osborne, Ethel M. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
O’Kin, Eugénie [1880-1948. France. Decorative Designer]
Parker, Violet M. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Plymouth, Alberta (Countess of Plymouth) [1863-1944. UK. Decorative Designer]
Pooley, F.M. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Potter, Hélène de [-. Ireland. Decorative Designer]
Roberts, Kate [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Rudolph, Lotte [-. Germany. Decorative Designer]
Seaton, Ellen Jeanetta [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Sergent, Renée [-. France. Decorative Designer]
Shoesmith, M. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Shorrington, Hilda M.L. [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Sternenberg, Emmy [-. Germany. Decorative Designer]
Talbot, Louisa Agnes [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Weiss, Marie [-. Germany. Decorative Designer]
West, Margaret [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
White, Dora [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
White, Gwen [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Wilson, Clara [-. UK. Decorative Designer]
Anstruther-Thomson, Clementina [1857-1921. UK. Decorative Designer/Art Theorist]
Coronio, Aglaia [1834-1906. UK. Decorative Designer/Bookbinder/Embroiderer/Art Patron]
Scott, Gladys [-. Ireland. Decorative Designer/Embroiderer]
Philastre, Noémie [-. France. Decorative Designer/Enameller]
Ross, Margaret Murray [1895-1966. Ireland. Decorative Designer/Graphic Artist]
Greer, Ellen Constance [1856-1946. Ireland. Decorative Designer/Illuminator/Painter]
Geldern-Egmont, Marie (Geldern-Egmond Marie von) [-. Germany. Decorative Designer/Illustrator]
Hammett, Lydia [1874-1954. UK. Decorative Designer/Lacemaker]
Waldeck-Rousseau, Marie [1854-1936. France. Decorative Designer/Metalworker]
Chapuis, Germaine Madeleine [-. France. Decorative Designer/Painter]
Lear, Judith Agnes [1862-1952. UK. Decorative Designer/Painter]
Sexton, Hilda Benjamin [1904-1965. UK. Decorative Designer/Painter]
Willis, Ethel Mary [1874-1945. UK. Decorative Designer/Painter]
Willson, Margaret [1867-. UK. Decorative Designer/Painter]
Richardson, Edith [1867-1929. UK. Decorative Designer/Painter/Illustrator]
Hedges, Florence [c.1873-1960. UK. Decorative Designer/Sculptor]
Lorimer, Janet [-. UK. Decorative Painter]
De la Mare, G.A. [-. UK. Decorative Painter/Designer]
De la Mare, Gertrude Amelia  [1885-1974. UK. Decorative Painter/Designer]
De la Mare, Gertude Amelia  [1885-1974. UK. Decorative Painter/Designer]
McKee, Eva Kathleen [1890-1955. UK. Decorative Painter/Embroiderer/Jewellery Designer/Metalworker/Woodworker]
Williams, Gertrude Alice [-1934. UK. Decorative Painter/Stained Glass Designer/Sculptor/Illustrator]
Wegerif-Gravestein, Agathe [1867-1944. Netherlands. Decorative/Furniture Designer/Painter/Batik Artist]
Harrison, Norah [-. UK. Decorative/Jewellery Designer]
Cavenagh, Kathleen [-. UK. Decorative/Jewellery Designer/Silversmith]
Lalique, Suzanne [1892-1989. France. Decorative/Theatre Set and Costume Designer/Painter]
Peller-Hollmann, Johanna [-. Austria. Decorative/Toy Designer]
Duer, Caroline [-. USA. Decoupage Arist]
Rae, Christine [-. USA. Design Director]
Swainson, Anne [1900-1955. USA. Design Director]
Lewis, Susan [-. USA. Designer/Manufacturer]
Crawshay-Williams, Gillian [1910-1995. UK. Display Designer]
Pearce, Katharine [-. UK. Display Designer]
Roe, G. [-. UK. Display Designer]
Simon, Elizabeth [-. France. Display Designer]
Staples, Cecilia [-. USA. Display Designer]
Albrecht, Spela [-. Germany. Doll Designer]
Kaulitz, Marion [1865-. Germany. Doll Designer]
Pritzel, Lotte [1887-1952. Germany. Doll/Costume Designer]
Morgenthaler, Sascha (Sasha) [1893-1975. Switzerland. Doll/Mannequin Designer/Maker]
Schelling, Irene [-. Switzerland. Doll/Mannequin Designer/Maker]
Bach, Gabriele [-. Germany. Dress Designer]
Dyckerhoff, Lucie [-. Germany. Dress Designer]
Frilung, Emy [-. Germany. Dress Designer]
Loescher, Itty [-. Germany. Dress Designer]
Winterwerber, Elisabeth [-. Germany. Dress/Textile/Decorative Designer]