Arts + Architecture ProFiles


Arts + Architecture ProFiles contains contains biographical data on nearly 45,000 artists, architects, designers, craftspeople, firms and studios. It mainly includes names whose work is discussed or illustrated in the AHR net databases ReView, Design Abstracts Retrospective and in Research Source 1 & Research Source 2


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Blore, Mary [-. UK. Bag Designer]
Fokina, Vera [1886-1958. Russia/USA. Ballet Dancer]
Karsavina, Tamara [1885-1978. Russia/UK. Ballet Dancer]
Bolm, Adolph (Adolf) [1884-1951. Russia/USA. Ballet Dancer/Choreographer]
Nijinsky, Vaslav [-1950. Russia/UK. Ballet Dancer/Choreographer]
Shochikudo, Kosuge [1921-2003. Japan. Bamboo Artist]
Iizuki, Shokansai [1919-2004. Japan. Bamboo Weaver]
Austin, Joan [-. USA. Basketmaker]
Bondie, Edith [1918-2005. USA. Basketmaker]
Crampton, Charles [-. UK. Basketmaker]
Doering, Mavis [1929-2007. USA. Basketmaker]
Floor, Marcia [1947-. USA. Basketmaker]
Garrett, John G. [1950-. USA. Basketmaker]
Hart, Carol [-. USA. Basketmaker]
Jacobs, Ferne [1942-. USA. Basketmaker]
Jones, James [-. UK. Basketmaker]
Krout, Jonathan [1952-. USA. Basketmaker]
Law, Rachel Nash [1955-. USA. Basketmaker]
Lechman, Patti [1946-. USA. Basketmaker]
Look, Dona [1948-. USA. Basketmaker]
Lønning, Kari [1950-. USA. Basketmaker]
Stinton, Carol [-. USA. Basketmaker]
Tracey, Charlotte [-. USA. Basketmaker]
Wolowski, Wladyslaw [-. Poland. Basketmaker]
Crampton, Albert Henry [1881-. UK. Basketmaker/Cane Furniture Designer]
Minkowitz, Norma [1937-. USA. Basketmaker/Fibre/Wearable Artist/Textile Designer/Sculptor]
Bacharach, David Paul [1949-. USA. Basketmaker/Metalsmith]
Morita, Shintaro [-. Japan. Basketmaker/Metalworker]
Stanley, Jeanne [-. UK. Basketmaker/Rush Weaver]
McQueen, John [1943-. USA. Basketmaker/Sculptor]
Sauer, Jane [1937-. USA. Basketmaker/Sculptor]
Krank, Wolfram [1941-. Germany/USA. Basketmaker/Weaver]
Okey, Thomas [1852-1935. UK. Basketmaker/Weaver]
Kwak, Kae Jung [-. Korea. Basketmaker/Woodcraft Designer]
Kosonen, Markku [1945-2010. Finland. Basketmaker/Woodcraft Designer/Craftsperson]
Misses Francis [-. USA. Basketmakers]
Ballin-Wolterick, Erica [-. Germany. Batik Artist]
Bukkerts, Mariska [-. Hungary. Batik Artist]
Deysselhoff [-. Netherlands. Batik Artist]
Gruber, Hedwig [-. Hungary. Batik Artist]
Jones, Helen [-. USA. Batik Artist]
Jones, Howard [-. USA. Batik Artist]
Kawabata, Yoshiko [-. Japan. Batik Artist]
Klein, Rita [-. USA. Batik Artist]
Kurreck-Haagen, Anne [-. Germany. Batik Artist]
Lohsing, Hilda [-. Germany. Batik Artist]
Pangon, Marguerite [1880-1955. France. Batik Artist]
Rees, W.K. [-. Netherlands. Batik Artist]
Schoers, Else [-. Germany. Batik Artist]
Schöntheil, Irene [-. Hungary. Batik Artist]
Schöntheil, Irene [-. Hungary. Batik Artist]
Schulek, Ilona [-. Hungary. Batik Artist]
Seligmüller, Dorothea [-. Austria/Germany. Batik Artist]
Slothouwer, Tj. [-. Netherlands. Batik Artist]
Strasser, Rozi [-. Hungary. Batik Artist]
Zinner, Eloise Piper [-. USA. Batik Artist]
Morice, Charlotte [-. France. Batik Artist/Decorative Designer]
Hoeniger, Laly [-. Germany. Batik Artist/Embroiderer]
Broel-Korsakoff, Alexandra [1884-1969. Russia/Germany. Batik Artist/Painter/Illustrator]
Stack, Joyce [-2009. USA. Batik Artist/Sculptor]
Spannagel-Heffner, Marianne [1895-1969. Germany. Batik Artist/Textile Designer]
Roman, Klara  [-. Hungary. Batik/Textile Artist]
Kellogg, Julia B. [-. USA. Bead Artist]
Lebisch, Elisabeth [1890-1978. Austria. Bead Stitcher]
Crosbie, Robert Lloyd [1832-1894. UK. Bedstead Manufacturer]
Robert Lloyd Crosbie & Co. Ltd. [-. UK. Bedstead Manufacturers]
Proctor, Robert George Collier [1868-1903. UK. Bibliographer]
Caxton Club [1895-. USA. Bibliographic Society/Arts Club]
Dayton Cycle Co. Ltd. [1913?-1961. UK. Bicycle/Motor Cycle Manufacturer]
E.J. Riley Ltd. [1897-. UK. Billiard Table Manufacturers]
George Edwards [1852-. UK. Billiard/Snooker Table and Equipment Manufacturers]
Alexandre, François [-. Belgium. Blacksmith]
Bailey, Ivan [1945-. USA. Blacksmith]
Bergeotte, Louis [-. France. Blacksmith]
Brown, Fred [-. UK. Blacksmith]
Bulmer, Robert [-. Germany. Blacksmith]
Court, David [-. USA. Blacksmith]
DeLeon, Rolando [-. USA. Blacksmith]
Downer, Charley (Charlie) [-1961. UK. Blacksmith]
Fredenburg, Scott [-. USA. Blacksmith]
Gardiner, S.H. (Harry) [-. UK. Blacksmith]
Gerakaris, Dimitri [1947-. USA. Blacksmith]
Green, Charles [-. UK. Blacksmith]
Holdefleiss, Ottomar  [1855-1912. Germany. Blacksmith]
Johnson, E. [-. UK. Blacksmith]
Komine, Takayoshi [1950-. Japan. Blacksmith]
Kuhn, Achim [1942-. Germany. Blacksmith]
Lane, J.E. Taylor [-. UK. Blacksmith]
Löw, Erich [-. Germany. Blacksmith]
Martin, George [-. USA. Blacksmith]
Minamizawa, Hiroshi [1933-. Japan. Blacksmith]
Moebius, Eric [-. USA. Blacksmith]
Mustoe, Stephen (Steven) [-. UK. Blacksmith]
O'Shaughnessy, Peter [-. USA. Blacksmith]
Ogden, Samuel [-. USA. Blacksmith]
Owings, Robert [-. USA. Blacksmith]
Palmer, Richard [-. USA. Blacksmith]
Peters, Franz Josef [-. Germany. Blacksmith]
Proksa, Dennis [1949-. USA. Blacksmith]
Rosenberg, Steven [-. USA. Blacksmith]
Ross, Henry [-. UK. Blacksmith]
Roth, Edwin [-. Germany. Blacksmith]
Schwartz, Joel [-. USA. Blacksmith]
Stenzel, Alfons [-. Germany. Blacksmith]
Stiegler, Dorothy [-. USA. Blacksmith]
Taylor, Thomas [-. UK. Blacksmith]
Thornton, William (Bill) [-1948. UK. Blacksmith]
Tscherneck, Willi [-. Germany. Blacksmith]
Wallace, James (Jim) [1947-. USA. Blacksmith]
Whitaker, Francis [1906-1999. USA. Blacksmith]
Hill, Stuart [1943-. UK. Blacksmith/Furniture Designer/Photographer]
LePage, Bruce [-. USA. Blacksmith/Gunsmith/Engraver]
Meier, Daryl [-. USA. Blacksmith/Knife Maker]
Yellin, Samuel [1885-1940. Poland/USA. Blacksmith/Metalsmith]
Brosset, Alexandre [1859-1921. France. Blacksmith/Metalworker]
Bucknell, Alfred [-1957. UK. Blacksmith/Metalworker]
Mörl, Gustav [-. Germany. Blacksmith/Metalworker]
Puckle, Bertram [-. UK. Blacksmith/Metalworker]
Schramm, Julius [1870-1945. Germany. Blacksmith/Metalworker]
Robert, Émile [1860-1924. France. Blacksmith/Metalworker/Lighting Designer/Sculptor]
Beal, Mack [1924-. USA. Blacksmith/Sculptor]
Dudesek, Jan [1946-. Czechoslovakia/Switzerland. Blacksmith/Sculptor]
Gipe, Thomas [-. USA. Blacksmith/Sculptor]
Little, John [1943-. USA/Canada. Blacksmith/Sculptor]
Parkinson, Peter [1942-. UK. Blacksmith/Sculptor]
Kühn, Fritz [1910-1967. Germany. Blacksmith/Sculptor/Photographer]
Gardner, Glen [1951-. USA. Blacksmith/Weathervane Designer]
Loyd, Jan Brooks [1950-. USA. BlacksmithMetalsmith/Sculptor]
Schulz & Holdefleiss [-. Germany. Blacksmiths]
Mazzucotelli-Engelmann & Co. [1902-1908. Italy. Blacksmiths/Art Metalworking Firm]
Lühr, Maria [1874-1969. Germany. Boiokbinder]
Barkell, William [-. Sweden. Boobinder]
Kyle, Hedi [1937-. Germany/USA. Book Artist/Bookbinder]
The Colophon: A Book Collectors' Quarterly [1930-1940. USA. Book Collectors’ Journal]
Kaltmaier, Hans [-. Germany. Book Cover Designer/Bookbinder]
Daehler, Jupp [-. Germany. Book Designer]
Elste. Martin [1905-. Germany. Book Designer]
Fay, Ernst [1910-?. Germany. Book Designer]
Hottenroth, Franz  [1897-1982. Germany. Book Designer]
Jenkins, W. [-. UK. Book Designer]
Lederer, Wolfgang [1912-2003. Austria-Hungary/Czechoslovakia/USA. Book Designer]
Moberley, Ida [-. UK. Book Designer]
Reichl, Ernst [1900-1980. Germany/USA. Book Designer]
Salter, Stefan [1907-1985. Germany/USA. Book Designer]
Sherwin, Harold B. [-. UK. Book Designer]
White, Gleeson [1851-1898. UK. Book Designer/Art Critic]
Licht, Josepha [-. Germany. Book Designer/Decorative Artist]
Ilgenfritz, Heinrich [1889-1969. Germany. Book Designer/Engraver]
Venturelli, José [1924-1988. Chile. Book Designer/Etcher/Engraver/Illustrator/Muralist/Painter]
Faber, Will [1901-1987. Germany. Book Designer/Illustrator]
Sauvage, Sylvain [1888-1948. France. Book Designer/Illustrator/Painter]
Frimberger, Marianne [1877-1965. Austria. Book Designer/Lithographer]
Favorsky, Vladimir Andreyevich [1886-1964. Russia/USSR. Book Designer/Muralist/Illustrator]
Eggebrecht, Albert [1910-1946. Germany. Book Designer/Publisher]
Schneider, Lambert [1900-1970. Germany. Book Designer/Publisher]
Riedel, Alfred [1906-1969. Germany. Book Designer/Typographer]
Kumlien, Akke [1884-1949. Sweden. Book Designer/Typographer/Calligrapher/Painter]
Billow, Anders [1890-1964. Sweden. Book Designer/Typographer/Illustrator]
Bitterlich, Georg Werner [1908-?. Germany. Book Designer/Woodcut Artist/Photographer]
Zahariev, Vasil [1895-1971. Bulgaria. Book Designewr/Illustrator/Woodcut Artist]
Jäger, Bert [1919-1998. Germany. Book Jacker/Poster/Postage Stamp Designer/Photographer]
English, Bill [-. USA. Book Jacket Designer/Illustrator]
Gossmann, Gerhard [1912-1994. Germany. Book Jacket Designer/Illustrator]
Gaab, Hannes [1908-1988. Germany. Book Jacket Designer/Illustrator/Letterer]
Hauschild, Max [1907-1961. Germany. Book Jacket Designer/Letterer]
Delitsch, Hermann (Delitzsch, Hermann) [1869-1937. Germany. Book Jacket Designer/Typographer]
Göbner, Paul [1900-?. Germany. Book/Book Jacket Designer]
Maude, Arthur [-. UK. Book/Bookplate Designer]
Grünewald, Ernst [1907-?. Germany. Book/Bookplate Designer/Woodcut Artist]
Tiemann, Walter [1876-1951. Germany. Book/Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Typographer]
Bungter, Hans Michael [1896-1969. Germany. Book/Graphic Designer/Letterer]
Lieder, Hermann [1911-?. Germany. Book/Graphic Designer/Painter]
Bylina, Michal [1904-1982. Poland. Book/Graphic/Tapestry Designer/Illustrator]
Fomina, Iraïda [1906-1964. USSR. Book/Poster/Packaging Designer/Illustrator]
Adams, Katharine [1862-1952. UK. Bookbinder]
Adams, Ralph Randolph [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Adler, Rose [1890-1959. France. Bookbinder]
Albert Günther  [-. Austria. Bookbinder]
Antona, Jacqueline [1937-. France. Bookbinder]
Arndt, Paul [-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Åström, Viktor [-. Sweden. Bookbinder]
Barnard, S. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Bates, J.F.H. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Bates, James Samuel Hewitt (J.S.H.) [1862-1950. UK. Bookbinder]
Beck, Johan Viktor [1852-1934. Sweden. Bookbinder]
Beitel, Karl (Carl) [-. Austria. Bookbinder]
Bell, Silva [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Bird, Maud B.S. [1878-. UK. Bookbinder]
Birdsall, Anthony, Jnr. [1877-1972. UK. Bookbinder]
Birdsall, Anthony, senior [1819-1893. UK. Bookbinder]
Birkenruth, Johanna [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Blaauw, Henry Thomas Gilman [1874-1948. UK. Bookbinder]
Blackwell, Josephine [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Blunt, Frank E. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Bonet, Paul [1889-1971. France. Bookbinder]
Boon, Nella [-. Netherlands. Bookbinder]
Bowen, Katharine E. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Boyd, Annie G. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Bradáè, Ludvik [-. Czechoslovakia. Bookbinder]
Bretault, Joseph [1856-1903. France. Bookbinder]
Brewtnall, S. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Brockman, James [1946-. UK. Bookbinder]
Brodie, Hilda M. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Brooke, Verona [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Brugalla, Emilio [1901-1987. Spain. Bookbinder]
Butler, Gertrude E. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Caley, T.E. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Canape, Georges [1864-1940. France. Bookbinder]
Carter, C.W.A. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Chambers, John (bookbinder) [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Claessens, L., Père [-. Belgium. Bookbinder]
Claessens, Paul [1861-1909. Belgium. Bookbinder]
Cockerell, Douglas [1870-1945. UK. Bookbinder]
Cockerell, Patience Scott [1878-1957. UK. Bookbinder]
Cockerell, Sydney Morris [1906-1987. UK. Bookbinder]
Coffey, George [1857-1916. Ireland. Bookbinder]
Cole, L. Averill [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Connor, Charles [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Craggs, George F. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Cretté, Georges [1893-1969. France. Bookbinder]
Creuzevault, Henri [1905-1971. France. Bookbinder]
Cuzin, Armand [-1890. France. Bookbinder]
da Rocha Lima, Lygia [-. Brazil. Bookbinder]
Daniel, Emily [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Davis, J. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
De Coverly, Arthur Alaric [1865-1927. UK. Bookbinder]
De Coverly, Lorenzo [1857-1941. UK. Bookbinder]
De Coverly, Roger [1831-1914. UK. Bookbinder]
de Rheims, Edith [-. UK. Bookbinder]
de Rheims, Florence [-. UK. Bookbinder]
De Samblanx, Charles [1855-1943. Belgium. Bookbinder]
Diehl, Edith [1876-1953. USA. Bookbinder]
Driffield, Muriel T. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Drummond, K.R (Kitty) [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Dumas, Hélène [1896-1995. France. Bookbinder]
Ebert, Karl [1869-1949. Germany. Bookbinder]
Edwards, Gwladys [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Farran, Evelyn Gertrude [1868-1934. UK. Bookbinder]
Fazakerley, John [1843-1909. UK. Bookbinder]
Fiddian, Dorothy Eileen [1891-1979. UK. Bookbinder]
Fisher, George [1879-1970. UK. Bookbinder]
Fitzharris, Norah [-. Ireland. Bookbinder]
Flyge, Jacob Ludwig (J.L.) [1849-1913. Denmark. Bookbinder]
Folsey-Risler [-. France. Bookbinder]
Foote, Florence [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Fournier, Nicole [-. France. Bookbinder]
Freise, Dorothea [1895-1962. Germany. Bookbinder]
Freise, Kathrin [1901-?. Germany. Bookbinder]
Frewen, G. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Froede, Otto Johannes [1894-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Frost, Gary Link [1941-. USA. Bookbinder]
Fry, Jocelyn [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Furler, Alfred [-. Germany (Fed.Rep.). Bookbinder]
Gairdner, Alice Elizabeth [1873-. UK. Bookbinder]
Ganiaris, Andreas [1926-. Greece. Bookbinder]
Gedye, Edith J. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Gerlach, Gerhard [1907-1968. Germany/USA. Bookbinder]
Goodall, Hilda [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Goudon, Pierre [1914-. France. Bookbinder]
Gozzi, Rolando [1902-1962. Italy. Bookbinder]
Graaf, Geertruida Alida Helena de  [1878-. Netherlands. Bookbinder]
Gray, Arthur J. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Green, Edgar [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Green, J.H. (bookbinder) [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Green, William H. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Greenfield, Jane [1916-2008. USA. Bookbinder]
Greenhill, Elizabeth [1907-2006. UK. Bookbinder]
Grossenbacher, Armin [-. Switzerland. Bookbinder]
Guaita, Else von [-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Günther, Albert [-. Austria. Bookbinder]
Hamilton, Christine [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Hamilton, Jessie F. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Hampshire, Georgina G. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Harding, A. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Harvey, Frederick [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Harvey, Joan [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Hay-Cooper, Lillian [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Heard, Eileen M. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Hedberg, Gustaf [1859-1920. Sweden. Bookbinder]
Herms, S. [-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Hewitt, Norah [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Hewitt-Bates, James Samuel [1862-1950. UK. Bookbinder]
Hoffmann, Elsé [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Hone, E.V. [-. Ireland. Bookbinder]
Hornby, Diana [1900-. UK. Bookbinder]
Horsley, Frances [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Horstschulze, Mary [1945-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Hyltoft, John [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Jack, Eva C.M. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
James, Angela [1948-. UK. Bookbinder]
Jockel [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Jones, Trevor [1931-. UK. Bookbinder]
Karch, H. [-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Karslake, Constance [1880-. UK. Bookbinder]
Karslake, Harald [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Kelly, Eleanor [-. Ireland. Bookbinder]
Kendall, Sarah Ellet [1874-1911. UK. Bookbinder]
Kersten, Paul [1865-1943. Germany. Bookbinder]
Kieffer, René [1876-1963. France. Bookbinder]
Knight, Francis [-. Australia/UK. Bookbinder]
Kohn, Madeleine [1892-1940. UK/France. Bookbinder]
Konstam, Beatrix [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Lada-Mocarski, Polly [1902-1997. USA. Bookbinder]
Lahey, Marguerite Duprez [1878-1958. USA. Bookbinder]
Lawrence, A.L. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Lawrence, Amy L. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Lawrence, C.B. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Leroux, Alice [-. France. Bookbinder]
Leroux, Georges (Le Roux, Georges) [1922-. France. Bookbinder]
Linde, Nils [-. Sweden. Bookbinder]
Lobstein, Alain [1927-. France. Bookbinder]
Logan, Isabel [1875-1956. UK. Bookbinder]
Lohse, Rudolf [-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Lonergan, Bridget [-. Ireland. Bookbinder]
Lortic, Marcelin (Lortic, Marcellin) [1852-1928. France. Bookbinder]
Lucking, B.A. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Ludwig, Eduard [-. Germany. Bookbinder]
MacColl, Elizabeth Mathieson [1863-1951. UK. Bookbinder]
MacDonald, Annie [-1924. UK. Bookbinder]
Macrae, C.A.L. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Magnin, Lucien [1849-1903. France. Bookbinder]
Mahomed, Janet [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Maist, Elizabeth G.  [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Marshall, M. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Martin, Pierre-Lucien [1913-1985. France. Bookbinder]
Martin, Pierre-Lucien (P.L.) [1913-1985. France. Bookbinder]
Mathieu, Monique [-. France. Bookbinder]
Matthews, William Frederick [1898-1977. UK. Bookbinder]
McCulloch, Alice [-. Canada/UK. Bookbinder]
McCullough, Alice G. [-. Canada/USA. Bookbinder]
McLeish, Charles [1859-1948. UK. Bookbinder]
McLeish, Peter [-. UK. Bookbinder]
McMurtry-Young, Belle [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Menzies, W. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Mercher, Henri (Daniel-Henri) [1912-1976. France. Bookbinder]
Middleton, Bernard Chester [1924-2019. UK. Bookbinder]
Milner, Lilian [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Molyneux, Archibald [1876-. UK. Bookbinder]
Moncey, Thérèse [-. France. Bookbinder]
Morgan, Nancy [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Moss, W. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Moss, Willie [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Nitsch, Fritz [-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Nordhoff, Evelyn Hunter [1864-1898. USA. Bookbinder]
Overton, Lilian [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Paget, Florence Mary Emily [-1947. UK. Bookbinder]
Parry, G. M. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Pattinson, Alice [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Payne, Roger [1739-1797. UK. Bookbinder]
Pearson-Gee, A. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Pearson-Gee, Mrs [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Petersen, Immanuel [1836-1903. Denmark. Bookbinder]
Pfau, Heinrich [-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Pfau, Reinhold [1887-1975. Germany. Bookbinder]
Philpott, Rosamond T. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Pilford, E.W. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Pomeroy, S. [-. France. Bookbinder]
Pountney, Katherine [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Powell, Roger [1896-1990. UK. Bookbinder]
Prat, May Rosina [1872-1965. Canada/USA. Bookbinder]
Prat, Minnnie Sophia [1868-1901. Canada/USA. Bookbinder]
Preston, Emily [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Prideaux, Sarah Treverbian [1853-1933. UK. Bookbinder]
Pye, Sybil [1879-1958. UK. Bookbinder]
Raparlier, Paul-Romain [-. France. Bookbinder]
Read, Winifred M. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Redgrave, Frances [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Reynolds, Mary [1891-1950. USA. Bookbinder]
Ricketts, Audrey [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Ridgway, Gwen [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Riley, B. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Roach, Mariana [1908-1976. USA. Bookbinder]
Roberts, Henry Neville [1882-1966. Ireland. Bookbinder]
Robinson, Mary E. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Rowntree, Irma T. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Rudel, Johann [-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Ryckers, G. [1861-1909. Belgium. Bookbinder]
Salaman, Annie [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Salas, Maria [-. Brazil. Bookbinder]
Sangorski, Francis [1875-1912. UK. Bookbinder]
Sauty, Alfred de [1870-1949. UK. Bookbinder]
Savoldelli, P.A. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Schale, Elizabeth [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Scheer, Bruno [-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Schnabel, Bruce [1951-. USA. Bookbinder]
Schofield, Helen [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Schoo, Pieternella Maria (Schoo, Nel) [1898-1981. Netherlands. Bookbinder]
Short, Dorothea M. [-1973. UK. Bookbinder]
Simpkin, Robert S. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Sketchley, C.J. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Smith, C. Philip [1928-2018. UK. Bookbinder]
Somers, S. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Stackpole, Julie Beinecke  [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Starr, Ellen Gates [1859-1940. USA. Bookbinder]
Sterling, Margaret [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Stiles, Gertrude [1865-1955. USA. Bookbinder]
Stopes, Winifred [1884-1923. UK. Bookbinder]
Strong, A. J. W. [-. Ireland. Bookbinder]
Sullivan, Edward [1852-1928. Ireland. Bookbinder]
Sutcliffe, George [1878-1943. UK. Bookbinder]
Talbot, Dorothy [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Taunton, Ethel [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Taylor, Caroline Mary (Moffat, Mrs Arthur) [1871-1925. UK. Bookbinder]
Taylor, Wal [-. Australia. Bookbinder]
Templer, Ida [-. Ireland. Bookbinder]
Thiersch, Frieda [1889-1947. Germany. Bookbinder]
Thompson, Ethel [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Tout, Samuel [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Tribolet, Harold W. [1911-. USA. Bookbinder]
Turnbull, George [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Ullman, Charlotte M. [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Vahle, Heinrich [1876-1955. Germany. Bookbinder]
Vaughan, Alexander J. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Vaughan, Frank [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Venner, Benjamin M. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Verburg, Peter, Jr. [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Walbrand-Evans, Grace (Walbrand Evans, Grace) [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Walter, Florence [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Walters, Curtis [-. USA. Bookbinder]
Watson, Agnes [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Webb, F.G. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Weckesser, Jacques [1862-1923. Belgium. Bookbinder]
Wiener, René [1855-1939. France. Bookbinder]
Wilcox, Michael [-. Canada. Bookbinder]
Wildner, Alfred [-. Germany. Bookbinder]
Wilson, H.H. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Woolrich, Ellen (Nelly) G. [-. USA/UK. Bookbinder]
Woolrich, Sofita [-. USA/UK. Bookbinder]
Wrightson, Lucy Gilchrist [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Wyatt, W.C. [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Yetts, E. Winifred [-. UK. Bookbinder]
Zaehnsdorf, Joseph [1816-1886. UK. Bookbinder]
Zahn, Otto [1856-1928. Germany/USA. Bookbinder]
Tatlow, Esther (Ester) [1873-. UK. Bookbinder/Art Teacher]
Genest-Côté, Louise [1949-. Canada. Bookbinder/Book Artist]
Minsky, Richard [1947-. USA. Bookbinder/Book Artist]
Londenberg, Kurt [1914-1995. Germany. Bookbinder/Book Designer]
Turbayne, Albert Angus (A.A.) [1866-1940. USA/UK. Bookbinder/Book Designer]
Gardner, Anthony [1887-1973. UK. Bookbinder/Calligrapher]
Power, Anastasia (Annie) [-. UK. Bookbinder/Calligrapher]
Eberhardt, Fritz [1917-1997. Germany/USA. Bookbinder/Calligrapher/Letterer]
McCloy, Eveline (McCloy, A.E.) [1873-1955. Ireland. Bookbinder/Decorative Artist]
Aumaître, Pierre [1851-. France. Bookbinder/Decorative Designer]
Noble, Mary Ethel [-. UK. Bookbinder/Decorative Designer]
Elm, Erna [-. Germany. Bookbinder/Embroiderer]
Brown, Elsie A. [-. UK. Bookbinder/Engraver]
Gruel, Léon [1841-1923. France. Bookbinder/Gilder]
Meunier, Charles [1865-1948. France. Bookbinder/Gilder]
Kurz, Gotthilf [1923-2010. Germany. Bookbinder/Graphic Artist]
Kyster, Anker [1864-1939. Denmark. Bookbinder/Graphic Artist]
Mellor, William [1885-. UK. Bookbinder/Graphic Artist/Bookplate Designer]
Loeber, Johannes Aarnout (J.A.) [1869-1957. Netherlands. Bookbinder/Graphic Designer]
Garrett, Frank G. [1875-1953. UK. Bookbinder/Illuminator]
de Coster, Germaine [1895-1992. France. Bookbinder/Illustrator]
Eisgruber, Elsa [1887-1968. Germany. Bookbinder/Illustrator]
Ruban, Pétrus [1851-1929. France. Bookbinder/Illustrator]
Firth, Susannah [-. UK. Bookbinder/Jewellery/Leahercraft Designer]
Campbell, M.C. [-. Ireland. Bookbinder/Leathercraft Designer]
Germain, Louise-Denise [1870-1936. France. Bookbinder/Leathercraft Designer]
Scally, Ethel Josephine [-1915. Ireland. Bookbinder/Leathercraft Designer]
Hulbe, Georg [1851-1917. Germany. Bookbinder/Leatherworker/Furniture Designer]
Félice, Marguerite de [1872-1933. France. Bookbinder/Leatherworker/Gilder]
Baanders, Tine [1890-1971. Netherlands. Bookbinder/Lithographer/Graphic Artist]
Houston, Mary G. [1871-1962. Ireland. Bookbinder/Metalworker/Textile Designer]
Charrière, Gérard [1935-. Switzerland/USA/Germany. Bookbinder/Painter]
Piccard, Marthe Jeanne (Giacomini-Piccard, Marthe Jeanne) [1880-1949. Switzerland. Bookbinder/Painter]
Sim, Mary E. [1878-. UK. Bookbinder/Painter]
Voortman, Clara [1856-1926. Belgium. Bookbinder/Painter]
Downing, Mary [1854-1939. UK. Bookbinder/Painter/Wallpaper Designer/Engraver]
Mowery, John Franklin [-. USA. Bookbinder/Paper Conservator]
Delpierre, Claude [-. France. Bookbinder/Papermaker]
Vinding, Kirsten [-. Denmark/France. Bookbinder/Papermaker]
Cobden-Sanderson, Thomas James (T.J.) [1840-1922. UK. Bookbinder/Printer]
Mansfield, Edgar [1907-1996. UK/New Zealand. Bookbinder/Sculptor]
Weiersmüller, Peter [1944-. Switzerland/Germany. Bookbinder/Sculptor/Painter/Graphic Artist]
Stahly, Claude [-1973. France. Bookbinder/Tapestry Designer/Collage Artist]
O'Lochlainn, Colm (Ó Lochlainn, Colm)  [1892-1972. Ireland. Bookbinder/Typographer/Printer/Private Press Publisher]
Widmer, Karl [1868-1931. Germany. Bookbinder/Writer on Art]
Cedric Chivers [1878-2010. UK. Bookbinders]
Douglas Cockerell & Son (D. Cockerell & Son) [1924-. UK. Bookbinders]
Fazakerley [1835-1915. UK. Bookbinders]
James Burn & Co. [-. UK. Bookbinders]
John Ramage & Co. [-. UK. Bookbinders]
Kelly & Sons [1770-. UK. Bookbinders]
M. E. Binger [-. Ireland. Bookbinders]
Nordhoff Bindery [-. USA. Bookbinders]
Riviere & Sons [1829-1939. UK. Bookbinders]
Samblanx et Weckesser [-. Belgium. Bookbinders]
Sangorski & Sutcliffe [1901-. UK. Bookbinders]
Stoakley & Son [1885-. UK. Bookbinders]
W. Collin Hofbuchbinderei [-1939. Germany. Bookbinders]
Wilhelm Rauch & Sohn [1846-. Germany. Bookbinders]
Guild of Women Binders [1898-1904. UK. Bookbinders Guild]
G.T. Bagguley [1890-. UK. Bookbinders/Publishers/Printers]
Hampstead Bindery [1898-1904. UK. Bookbindery]
Rye, F.D. [-. UK. Bookbinding]
De Samblanx-Weckesser [1889-1923. Belgium. Bookbinding Partnership]
Guild of Book Workers [1906-. USA. Bookbinding/Book Arts Association]
Lewisohn, Jeanne F. [-. USA. Bookbionder]
Balmer, J. [-. Germany. Bookplate Designer]
Becker, Heinz [1904-?. Germany. Bookplate Designer]
Bunzel, Otto [-. Germany. Bookplate Designer]
Greenleaf, Grace [-. USA. Bookplate Designer]
Greenleaf, May [-. USA. Bookplate Designer]
Inglis, J. Elmsley [-. UK. Bookplate Designer]
Jameson, Eunice [-. USA. Bookplate Designer]
Kirby, C. Valentine [1875-1947. USA. Bookplate Designer]
Meedy, William Webber [1891-1926. UK. Bookplate Designer]
Pace, Charles [-. UK. Bookplate Designer]
Swaine, Ida [-. UK. Bookplate Designer]
Wallace, Hugh R. [-. UK. Bookplate Designer]
Weyer, W.A. [-. UK. Bookplate designer]
Spenceley, Joseph Winfred [1864-1908. USA. Bookplate Designer/Engraver]
Euwer, Anthony Henderson [1877-1955. USA. Bookplate Designer/Illustrator]
Heath, Sidney H. [1872-1953. UK. Bookplate Designer/Illustrator]
Hogg, Herbert Warrington [1862-1893. UK. Bookplate Designer/Illustrator]
Quested, George R. [-. UK. Bookplate Designer/Illustrator]
Vinycomb, John [1833-1928. Ireland. Bookplate Designer/Illustrator/Illuminator/Engraver]
Johnston, Graham [-. UK. Bookplate Designer/Painter]
Feyerabend, Erich [1889-1945. Germany. Bookplate/Graphic Designer/Wood Engraver/Illustrator]
Thornton, Robert John [1768-1837. UK. Botanical Illustrator]
Sirrom [1889-. UK. Brand name of cane and wicker furniture and basketware manufactured by Morris, Wilkinson & Co.]
Lloyd Loom [1922-. UK. Brand name of cane and wicker furniture and basketware manufactured by William Lusty & Sons]
Kaffee HAG (also known as Café HAG and Café Sanka) [1906-. Germany. Brand of decaffeinated coffee]
Siegel & Gale [1969-. USA/UK. Branding Design Consultancy]
Masriera y Campin [-. Spain. Brass foundry]
William McGeoch & Co. [1832-. UK. Brassfounders/Electric Lighting Manufacturer]
Guinness [1759-. Ireland. Brewery]
Wienerberger Ziegelfabrik (Wienerberger AG) [1819-. Austria. Brickworks/Tile Manufacturer]
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) [1922-. UK. Broadcasting Authority]
Faulkner Bronze Co. [-. UK. Bronze Manufacturer]
Rank, Louis [1873-1932. Germany. Builder]
Willett, William [1856-1915. UK. Builder]
Shaw, Selwyn Lock [-. USA. Builder/Carpenter]
Trollope & Sons Ltd. [1778-. UK. Builders/Interior Decorators]
Lovell & Son [1786-1996. UK. Building Firm]
Lucas, Lloyd & Co. [-. UK. Building Firm]
Relihouses [-. UK. Building Firm]
W.H. Colt Son & Co. Ltd. [-. UK. Building Firm]
Lions Green Works [1926-1969. UK. Building/Architectural Firm]
W.H. Gaze & Sons, Ltd. [-. UK. Building/Landscape Design Firm]
Fortune [1930-. USA. Business Magazine]