Arts + Architecture ProFiles


Arts + Architecture ProFiles contains contains biographical data on nearly 45,000 artists, architects, designers, craftspeople, firms and studios. It mainly includes names whose work is discussed or illustrated in the AHR net databases ReView, Design Abstracts Retrospective and in Research Source 1 & Research Source 2


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Hall Thérèse van [1872-1931. Netherlands. Schulptor/Painter]
Abbott, Dora [-. UK. Sculptor]
Acheson, Anne [1882-1962. Ireland UK. Sculptor]
Allan, Julian Phelps [1892-1996. UK. Sculptor]
Archibald Clay, Phyllis Muriel Cowan [1880-1947. UK. Sculptor]
Arnold, Anne [1925-. USA. Sculptor]
Assis, Nicolina Vaz de  [1874-1941. Brazil. Sculptor]
Backus [-. USA. Sculptor]
Ball, Ethel Gresley [1886-1959. Ireland. Sculptor]
Bardy, Deanna [-. USA. Sculptor]
Becker, Sally [-. USA. Sculptor]
Bell, Agnes E. [c.1862-1921. UK. Sculptor]
Bell, Lizzie [-. UK. Sculptor]
Benson, Eva Ellenor [1875-1949. Australia. Sculptor]
Beyrer-Witting, Elisabeth [1867-. Germany. Sculptor]
Bidder, Joyce [1906-1999. UK. Sculptor]
Blomberg, Sigrid [1863-1941. Sweden. Sculptor]
Bone, Phyllis Mary [1896-1972. UK. Sculptor]
Borne, Daisy Theresa [1906-1998. UK. Sculptor]
Boyd, Mary Syme [1910-1997. UK. Sculptor]
Boydell, Bertha Stanfield [1899-1977. UK. Sculptor]
Bracken, Clio [1870-1925. USA. Sculptor]
Bracken, Clio Hinton Huneker [1870-1925. USA. Sculptor]
Broe, Irene [1923-1992. Ireland. Sculptor]
Burger-Hartmann, Sophie  [1868-1940. Germany. Sculptor]
Burrough, Edith Woodman [1871-1916. USA. Sculptor]
Burroughs, Edith Woodman [1871-1916. USA. Sculptor]
Buzzard, Mary Constance (Pegram, Mary Constance)  [1876-1953. UK. Sculptor]
Castanis, Muriel [1926-2006. USA. Sculptor]
Chard, Elsie [1891-. UK. Sculptor]
Chase, Cornelia [-. USA. Sculptor]
Chase-Riboud, Barbara [1939-. USA. Sculptor]
Chislett, Mabel Clare [-. USA. Sculptor]
Chryssa (Mavromichali, Vardea) [1933-. Greece/USA. Sculptor]
Cooper, Alice [1888-1937. USA. Sculptor]
Coutan-Montorgueil, Laure [1855-1915. France. Sculptor]
Cowan, Theodora Esther [1868-1949. Australia. Sculptor]
Cranney-Franceschi, Marie Anne [-. France. Sculptor]
Curtois, Ella Rose [1860-1944. UK/France. Sculptor]
Daggett, Maud [1883-1941. USA. Sculptor]
Danziger, Joan [1934-. USA. Sculptor]
de Vasconcellos, Josephina [1904-2005. UK. Sculptor]
Delahunt, Jennie [1876-1954. UK. Sculptor]
Demagnez, Marie Antoinette [1869-1925. France. Sculptor]
Doddrell, Dorothy [1895-. UK. Sculptor]
Dohlmann, Helen [1870-1942. Denmark. Sculptor]
Drago, Margarita [-. Argentina. Sculptor]
Easterbrook, Margaret G. [-. UK. Sculptor]
Eberle, Abastenia St. Leger [1878-1942. USA. Sculptor]
Edmunds, Lillian [-. UK. Sculptor]
Egidy, Emmy von [1872-1946. Germany. Sculptor]
Fanny-Rozet, Stéphanie Amélie (Rozer, Fanny) [1881-1958. France. Sculptor]
Fontana, Tacita [-. UK. Sculptor]
Franklin, Jeannette L. [-. UK. Sculptor]
Gardner, Ivy [1894-1975. UK. Sculptor]
Geaussent, Marguerite [-. UK. Sculptor]
Gell, Ada Freeman [1849-1929. UK. Sculptor]
Girardet, Berthe [1861-1948. France. Sculptor]
Goetz-Gleistein, Elisabeth (Götz-Gleistein, Elisabeth) [1881-1947. Germany. Sculptor]
Golubkina, Anna Semenova [1864-1927. Russia/USSR. Sculptor]
Grant, Mary Rose [1870-. UK. Sculptor]
Gröne, Rebecca Honoria [1878-. Ireland. Sculptor]
Guinness, Bridget [1871-1931. UK. Sculptor]
Hahn, Nancy Coonsman [1887-. USA. Sculptor]
Hammerman, Carol [-. USA. Sculptor]
Haxthausen, Irmgard von [1879-. Germany. Sculptor]
Henderson, Ann [1921-1976. UK. Sculptor]
Hesse, Eva [1936-1970. Germany/USA. Sculptor]
Hill, Clara P. [1870-1935. USA. Sculptor]
Holt, Gwynneth [1909-1995. UK. Sculptor]
Hutchins, Alice [1916-2009. USA. Sculptor]
Hyatt, Anna Vaughn (Huntington, Anna Hyatt) [1876-1973. USA. Sculptor]
Icard, Honorine [-. France. Sculptor]
Jonzen, Karin [1914-1998. UK. Sculptor]
Jozon, Jeanne [1868-1946. France. Sculptor]
Judson, Sylvia Shaw [1897-1978. USA. Sculptor]
Key-Oberg, Ellen [1905-1989. USA. Sculptor]
Klavun, Betty [1916-. USA. Sculptor]
Koblick, Freda [1920-. USA. Sculptor]
Kruger, Louise [1924-. USA. Sculptor]
Kühn, Margarete [-. Germany. Sculptor]
Ladd, Anna Coleman [1878-1939. USA. Sculptor]
Lafaurie, Marie-Anne [1876-. France. Sculptor]
Lee, Erica [1888-1981. UK. Sculptor]
Levick, Ruby Winifred (Bailey, Ruby Winifred) [1871?-1940. UK. Sculptor]
Lindley-Millican, Alice [1885-1930. UK. Sculptor]
Link, B. Lillian [1880-. USA. Sculptor]
Longman, Evelyn Beatrice [1874-1954. USA. Sculptor]
Lux, Gwen [1908-1986. USA. Sculptor]
Maccone, Elena [-. Italy. Sculptor]
MacNeil, Carol Brooks [1871-1947. USA. Sculptor]
Marc, Fanny [1858-1937. France. Sculptor]
Margill, Anita [-. USA. Sculptor]
Maria (Martins, Maria) [1894-1973. Brazil. Sculptor]
Mark, Phyllis [1921-2004. USA. Sculptor]
Maryon, Louisa Edith C. [1872-1924. UK. Sculptor]
Massey, Sylvia [-. USA. Sculptor]
Matthews, Anna Lou (Matthews, Loo) [1882-1962. USA. Sculptor]
Mayo, Daphne [1895-1982. Australia. Sculptor]
Mears, Helen Farnsworth [1872-1916. USA. Sculptor]
Milles, Ruth [1873-1941. Sweden. Sculptor]
Mitchell, Maggie Richardson [1883-1953. UK. Sculptor]
Moore, Lou Wall [-1924. USA. Sculptor]
Onions, Martha A. [1874-1956. UK. Sculptor]
Philipp, Maria [-. Germany. Sculptor]
Poupelet, Jane [1874-1932. France. Sculptor]
Pouquet, Alice Hélène [-. France. Sculptor]
Pownall, Mary (Bromet, Mary Pownall) [1862-1937. UK. Sculptor]
Pratt, Helen L. [1870-1965. USA. Sculptor]
Pyman, Joan Lillian [1901-1994. UK. Sculptor]
Rea, Ada Hope Russell [1860-1922. UK. Sculptor]
Reed, Lillie [1874-1948. UK. Sculptor]
Reynolds, Mary [sculptor] [-. USA. Sculptor]
Richier, Germaine [1902-1959. France. Sculptor]
Riding, Jessie M. [1884-1957. UK. Sculptor]
Ries, Theresa Feodorovna (Feodorowna) [1866-1950. Austria. Sculptor]
Rigby, Honora Mary [1865-1916. UK. Sculptor]
Robinson, Kathleen Beverley (Robinson-Ingels, Kathleen Beverley) [1881-1956. Canada/USA. Sculptor]
Rope, Dorothy [1883-1970. UK. Sculptor]
Rose, Gwendolen Beatrice  [1890-1966. UK. Sculptor]
Rothstein, Irma [1896-1971. USA. Sculptor]
Saint Phalle, Niki de [1930-2002. France. Sculptor]
Schlafhorst, Marie [1865-1925. Germany. Sculptor]
Schouvaloff, Vera [-. Russia. Sculptor]
Scudder, Janet [1869-1940. USA. Sculptor]
Sherman, Gail (Corbett, Gail Sherman) [1871-1952. USA. Sculptor]
Silberer, Miriam Rose (Rosa) [1873-1942. Austria. Sculptor]
Smith, Agnes Harrison [c.1877-1938. UK. Sculptor]
Smith, Minnie Bernhard [Bernhard-Smith, Minnie) [-. Australia. Sculptor]
Soskice, Roussana (Roussiana) [-. Russia/USA. Sculptor]
Spitzer, Marthe [1877-1956. France. Sculptor]
Stockdale, Christine [1881-. UK. Sculptor]
Stringer, Phyllis [-. USA. Sculptor]
Thomas, Carolyn [-. USA. Sculptor]
Tomasini, Antonia [-. Italy. Sculptor]
Twiss. Jane M. [1870-. Ireland. Sculptor]
Vaillant, Henriëtte [1875-1949. Netherlands. Sculptor]
Vonnoh, Bessie Potter [1872-1955. USA. Sculptor]
Wade, Lilliam M. [-1923. UK. Sculptor]
Wade, Lillian Maud [1875-1923. UK. Sculptor]
Walker, Nellie V. [1874-1973. USA. Sculptor]
Wallace, Ottilie Helen (MacLaren, Ottilie Helen) [1875-1947. UK. Sculptor]
Wallace, Ottilie Maclaren [1875-1947. UK. Sculptor]
Ward, Florence [-. Canada. Sculptor]
Weir-Quiton, Pamela [1944-. USA. Sculptor]
Wendt, Julia Bracken [1871-1942. USA. Sculptor]
Wendt, Margarete [1887-1979. Germany. Sculptor]
Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt [1875-1942. USA. Sculptor]
Wise, Dorothy Mary Stanton [1880-1918. UK. Sculptor]
Wrightson, Margaret J. [1877-1976. UK. Sculptor]
Yandell, Enid [1870-1934. USA. Sculptor]
Vallgren, Antoinette [1858-1911. Sweden/France. Sculptor/Bookbinder]
Antrim, Angela, Countess of (Sykes, Angela; MacDonnell, Angela) [1911-1984. Ireland. Sculptor/Cartoonist/Illustrator/Stained Glass Designer]
Johnston, Arnrid Banniza (Bannitza) [1895-1972. Sweden/UK. Sculptor/Carver/Modeller/Poster Designer]
Bray, Jessamine Stella [1903-1993. UK. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Browne, Irene Muriel [1891-1965. UK. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Claudel, Camille [1864-1943. France. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Cox, Kathleen [1904-1972. Ireland. Sculptor/Ceramist]
D'Arrigo, Elisa [1953-. USA. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Granger, Geneviève [1877-1967. France. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Gregory, Christine [1879-1963. UK. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Jencks, Penelope [1936-. USA. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Le Cocq, Doris (Lecocq, Doris) [1899-. UK/Canada. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Lepeltier, Odette [1914-. France. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Morais, Jane Kelly [-. USA. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Peacey, Jessie M. Lawson (Lawson-Peacey, Jessie M.) [1885-1965. UK. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Pogliani, Maria Antonietta [1880-1956. Italy. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Richter, Etha [1883-1977. Germany. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Suarez, Magdalena (Frimkess, Magdalena) [1929-. Venezuela/USA. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Williams, Sybil V. [1890-1977. UK. Sculptor/Ceramist]
Exner, Nora [1879-1915. Austria. Sculptor/Ceramist/Graphic Artist]
Israel, Margaret (Marge) Ponce [1929-1987. USA. Sculptor/Ceramist/Illustrator]
Casella, Nelia [1859-1950. UK. Sculptor/Ceramist/Illustrator/Medallist/Enameller]
Carhartt, Elaine [1951-. USA. Sculptor/Ceramist/Muralist/Printmaker]
Chaplin, Alice Mary [1848-1921. UK. Sculptor/Ceramist/Painter]
Rhodes, Lillyan (L.E.J.) [1915-1986. USA. Sculptor/Ceramist/Painter]
Rock, Helen Frazer [1878-1932. UK. Sculptor/Ceramist/Painter]
Hope, Polly [1933-2013. UK. Sculptor/Ceramist/Textile Artist]
Walker, Cassandra Ann [1875-1957?. UK. Sculptor/Ceramist/Textile Designer]
Burlison, Frances Bessie [1875-1974. UK. Sculptor/Decorative Artist]
Le Bourgeois, Eve-Marie (Le Bourgeois-Cailly, Eve-Marie) [1904-. France. Sculptor/Decorative Artist]
Rawlins, O.B.E. [1878-1934. UK. Sculptor/Decorative Artist]
Rawlins, Olivia Beatrice Emily [1878-1934. UK. Sculptor/Decorative Artist]
Wilcock, Mary [-. UK. Sculptor/Decorative Artist/Jewellery Designer]
Langley, Helen [1862-1943. UK. Sculptor/Decorative Artist/Medallist]
Janet, Janine [1913-2000. France. Sculptor/Decorative Artist/Window Display Designer]
Stanfield, Marion Willis [c.1891-1965. UK. Sculptor/Decorative Designer]
Schwed, Antonia Holding [1920-2006. USA. Sculptor/Enameller/Jewellery Designer]
Lutz, Winifred [1942-. USA. Sculptor/Environmental Artist/Papermaker]
Watson, Constance Stella [1899-1985. UK. Sculptor/Etcher/Painter]
Maude, Alice C. (Stewart, Alice C.) [1879-1967. UK. Sculptor/Etcher/Painter/Illustrator]
Barzel, Dina [1931-. Romania/USA. Sculptor/Fibre Artist]
Feldman, Bella Tabek [1930-. USA. Sculptor/Fibre Artist]
Markarian, Janet [1953-. USA. Sculptor/Fibre Artist]
Goldberg, Lesley Jean [-. USA. Sculptor/Fibre Artist/Ceramist/Jewellery Designer]
Jacobs, Ellen D. [1932-. USA. Sculptor/Glass Artist]
Mukhina, Vera [1889-1953. Russia/USSR. Sculptor/Glass Artist]
Zillhardt, Madeleine [-. France. Sculptor/Glass Artist]
Bourgeois, Louise [1911-2010. France/USA. Sculptor/Glass Artist/Painter]
Norvell, Patsy [1942-2013. USA. Sculptor/Glass/Environmental Artist]
Asawa, Ruth (Lanier, Ruth Asawa) [1926-2013. USA. Sculptor/Graphic Artist]
Grace, Alexa [-. USA. Sculptor/Graphic Artist]
Maltwood, Katherine (Katharine) Emma [1878-1961. UK/Canada. Sculptor/Graphic Artist]
Praeger, Rosamond [1867-1954. Ireland. Sculptor/Illustrator]
Walker, Agatha [1888-1980. UK. Sculptor/Illustrator]
Weissenberg, Christine [1900-. Austria. Sculptor/Illustrator]
Williams, Gertrude Alice Meredith [1877-1934. UK. Sculptor/Illustrator/Decorative Painter/Stained Glass Designer/Sculotor]
Casella, Ella [1858-1946. UK. Sculptor/Illustrator/Medallist]
Pasinski, Irene (Sailor, Irene) [-2002. USA. Sculptor/Industrial Designer]
Brown, Judith [1931-1992. USA. Sculptor/Jewellery Designer]
Del Ponte, Amalia [1936-. Italy. Sculptor/Jewellery Designer]
Kriegman, Carolyn [1933-1999. USA. Sculptor/Jewellery Designer]
Pineda, Marianna [1925-1996. USA. Sculptor/Jewellery Designer]
Swainson, Mary [1862-1932. UK. Sculptor/Jewellery Designer/Medallist]
Bustin, Debra [1957-. New Zealand. Sculptor/Jewellery/Theatre/Poster Designer]
Nele, Eva Renée [1932-. Germany. Sculptor/Jewllery/Furniture Designer]
Nordin, Alice [1871-1948. Sweden. Sculptor/Lighting Designer]
Mouroux, Anie [1887-1978. France. Sculptor/Medal Designer]
Cadwalader-Guild, Emma (Emma Cadwallader-Guild) [1843-c.1911. UK. Sculptor/Medalist]
Armour, Hazel Ruthven [1894-1985. UK. Sculptor/Medallist]
Darlington, Frances Taplin [1880-1940. UK. Sculptor/Medallist]
Gay, Lydia [c.1856-1949. UK. Sculptor/Medallist]
Gillick, Mary Gaskell [1881-1965. UK. Sculptor/Medallist]
Halse, Emmeline [1853-1930. UK. Sculptor/Medallist]
Nott, Rhoda Lillian [1898-1959. UK. Sculptor/Medallist]
Shaw, Kathleen Trousdell [1865-1958. UK. Sculptor/Medallist]
Stillman, Effie [1872-1911. UK. Sculptor/Medallist]
Unger, Hella [-. Austria. Sculptor/Medallist]
Whiteside, Harriott F. [-. UK. Sculptor/Medallist]
Winser, Margaret [1868-1944. UK. Sculptor/Medallist]
Zamboni, Lona von Lorberfeld [1877-. Austria. Sculptor/Medallist]
Hallé, Elinor Jessie [1856-1926. UK. Sculptor/Medallist/Enameller/Jewellery Designer]
Hamilton, Lilian Vereker [1865-1939. UK. Sculptor/Medallist/Jewellery Designer]
Goff, Bertha Lilian [1876-1971. UK. Sculptor/Medallist/Jewellery Designer/Painter]
Goff, Bertha Lillian [1876-1971. UK. Sculptor/Medallist/Jewellery Designer/Painter]
Gleichen, Feodora (Feodore) [1861-1922. UK. Sculptor/Medallist/Painter]
Smith, Gertrude (Bayes, Gertrude) [1870-1952. UK. Sculptor/Medallist/Painter/Enameller]
Ruhr, Jakob [1870-1939. Germany. Sculptor/Metalmith]
Berman, Harriete Estel [1952-. USA. Sculptor/Metalsmith]
Beetz-Charpentier, Elisa [1875-1949. Belgium/France. Sculptor/Metalsmith/Jewellery Designer/Medallist/Engraver]
Hoffmann, Hanna [1858-1917. Denmark. Sculptor/Metalsmith/Textile Designer]
Bunn, Fanny [1871-1950. UK. Sculptor/Metalworker]
Mercer, Eleanor Louise [c.1871-1899. UK. Sculptor/Metalworker]
Moore, Esther M. [1857-1934. UK. Sculptor/Metalworker]
Woodward, E. [1859-1943. UK. Sculptor/Metalworker]
Woodward, E.C. [1859-1943. UK. Sculptor/Metalworker/Illustrator]
Woodward, Ellen Caroline [1859-1943. UK. Sculptor/Metalworker/Illustrator]
Hickman, Evelyn Augusta [1859-1943. UK. Sculptor/Metalworker/Painter]
Rope, Ellen Mary [1855-1934. UK. Sculptor/Modeller/Plaster Designer/Metalworker]
Jenkins, Louisa [1898-1989. USA. Sculptor/Mosaic Artist/Painter]
Datz, Margot [-. USA. Sculptor/Muralist/Painter/Illustrator]
Barker, Clarissa [-. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Buchanan, Mary [1876-1958. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Canton, Susan Ruth [1849-1932. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Carré, Gerda [1872-. Germany. Sculptor/Painter]
Cazin, Marie [1840-1924. France. Sculptor/Painter]
Downing, Edith Elizabeth [1857-1931. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Fitzgerald, Florence Harriet [1857-1927. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Frumerie, Agnès [1869-1937. Sweden. Sculptor/Painter]
Hepworth, Barbara [1907-1975. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Kendrick, Florence Ada [1880-1969. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Leveritt, Winifred [1879-1969. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Luna Drexlerówna [1882-1933. Poland. Sculptor/Painter]
Muntz, Elizabeth (Betty) [1894-1977. Canada/UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Parkinson, Florence [1859-1955. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Thiollier, Claude Emma [1875-1973. France. Sculptor/Painter]
Wallis, Katherine Elizabeth [1861-1957. Canada/UK/France/USA. Sculptor/Painter]
Weschler, Anita [1903-2000. USA. Sculptor/Painter]
Westhoff, Clara (Rilke-Westhoff, Clara) [1878-1954. Germany. Sculptor/Painter]
White, Hester Mabel [c.1871-1949. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Williams, Lucy Gwendolen [1870-1955. UK. Sculptor/Painter]
Gordine, Dora [c.1895-1991. UK. Sculptor/Painter/Architect]
Luksch-Makowsky, Elena [1878-1967. Russia/Austria. Sculptor/Painter/Engraver]
Frank, Hannah [1908-2008. UK. Sculptor/Painter/Graphic Artist/Lithographer]
Adamson, Lorna [1894-?. UK. Sculptor/Painter/Illustrator]
Stone, Melicent [1868-1922. UK. Sculptor/Painter/Illustrator]
Meadow [-. USA. Sculptor/Painter/Jewellery Designer/Prntmaker]
Giles, Margaret May (Jenkin, Margaret May) [1868-1949. UK. Sculptor/Painter/Medallist]
Newman, Florence (Callcott, Florence) [1866-1938. UK. Sculptor/Painter/Medallist]
Baker, Ethelwyn Mary [1899-1988. UK. Sculptor/Painter/Model-Maker/Mannequin Designer]
Hottenroth, Ernst [1872-1908. Germany. Sculptor/Painter/Muralist/Theatre Set Designer]
Burrage, Mildred [1890-1983. USA. Sculptor/Painter/Museum Curator]
Steen, Carol J. [1943-. USA. Sculptor/Painter/Printmaker]
Sheridan, Clare [1885-1970. UK. Sculptor/Painter/Writer]
Nevelson, Louise [1899-1988. USA. Sculptor/Printmaker]
Phillips, Helen [1913-1995. USA. Sculptor/Printmaker]
Kay, Ida Lillian [1881-. UK. Sculptor/Stained Glass Designer]
Pemberton, Hilda Mary [1871-1956. UK. Sculptor/Stained Glass Designer/Medallist/Painter/Illustrator/Etcher]
Sadowska, Krystyna [1912-1994. Poland/Canada. Sculptor/Tapestry Designer/Ceramist/Painter/Graphic Artist]
Giöbel, Selma Levina [1843-1925. Sweden. Sculptor/Textile Designer]
Gisberg, Sofia [1854-1926. Sweden. Sculptor/Textile Designer]
Hutchins, Eliza [c.1864-1946. UK. Sculptor/Textile Designer]
Biggar, Helen Manson [1909-1953. UK. Sculptor/Theatre Set Designer/Fimmaker]
Schweizer, Anni [1898-1998. Germany. Sculptor/Tin Artist]
Foy, Nell [-. UK. Sculptor/Toymaker]
Abakanowicz, Magdalena [1930-2017. Poland. Sculptor/Weaver/Tapestry Designer/Textile Artist]
Manley, Edna [1900-1987. UK/Jamaica. Sculptor/Woodcarver]
Stevens, Agnes D. [1879-1955. UK/Australia. Sculptor/Woodcarver]
Lieber, Dorothea [-. Germany. Scultptor]
Holt Le Son, Lucie [1898-?. France. Shop Window/Mannequin/Furniture Designer/Painter/Sculptor]
Jastrau, Gudrun [1900-1946. Denmark. Sihouette Artist]
Quimby, Nellie Earle [-. USA. Silhouette Artist]
Williams, Ruby [1880-1981. UK. Silhouette Artist]
Eyermann, Elline [-. Denmark. Silhouette Artist/Illustrator]
White, Barbara [-. USA/Canada. Silkscreen Printer/Painter]
Addams, Dianne [-. UK. Silversmith]
Baxendale, Muriel [-. UK. Silversmith]
Belgiojoso, Maria Luisa [1936-. Italy. Silversmith]
Bone, Louisa Amelia [c.1882-1957. UK. Silversmith]
Cockerell, Katherine [-. UK. Silversmith]
Ekenstam, Märta af [-. Sweden. Silversmith]
Ferngren, Vera [-. Sweden. Silversmith]
Hammill, Virginia [1898-1980. USA. Silversmith]
Hunt, Susan [-. USA. Silversmith]
Ibbotson, Marjorie [-. UK. Silversmith]
Jess, Marga [1885-1953. Germany. Silversmith]
Johnson, Bertha [-. UK. Silversmith]
Lawrence, Constance E.F. [-. UK. Silversmith]
Loeb, Florence M. [-. USA. Silversmith]
Milner, Mildred [-. UK. Silversmith]
Møller, Inger Eleonora [1886-1979. Denmark. Silversmith]
Read, Lillie [-. UK. Silversmith]
Schlanbusch, Ellen [1910-. Denmark. Silversmith]
Serotta, Caroline Rosse [-. USA. Silversmith]
Stern, Florence [1868-1952. UK. Silversmith]
Trott, Marie von zu [-. Germany. Silversmith]
Watson, Lorna Pearson [-. USA. Silversmith]
Middleton, Julia C. [-. UK. Silversmith/Decorative Designer]
König, Leopoldine [-. Austria. Silversmith/Enameller]
Ibbotson, Helena Mary [1877-1962. UK. Silversmith/Goldsmith/Enameller]
Schroeder, Gerta [-. Germany. Silversmith/Illustrator]
Apodaca, Linda [-. USA. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer]
Carpenter, Shirley Lege [1939-2001. USA. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer]
Cockerell, Catherine [1903-1995. UK. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer]
Craver, Margret (Withers, Margret Craver) [1907-2010. USA. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer]
Littmarck, Barbro [-2008. Sweden. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer]
Meats, Muriel [1904-1991. UK. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer]
Sandheim, Amy [-. UK. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer]
Bülow-Hübe, Torun [1927-2004. Sweden. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer/Ceramist/Glass Artist]
McBean, Isabel [-. UK. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer/Decorative Artist]
Himsworth, Joyce Rosemary [1905-1990. UK. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer/Enameller]
Linnell, Edith Madeleine [-. UK. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer/Ivory Carver]
Linnell, Edith Madeline [c.1877-1961. UK. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer/Ivory Carver]
Dawson, Edith (Robinson, Edith) [1862-1928. UK. Silversmith/Jewellery Designer/Metalworker/Painter]
Thew, Mary Russell (Frew, Mary Russell) [1876-1953. UK. Silversmith/Jewelley Designer/Painter]
Shirk, Helen [1942-. USA. Silversmith/Metalsmith/Jewellery Designer]
Kershaw, Agnes [-. UK. Silversmith/Painter]
Hay, Adèle [-. UK. Silversmith/Sculptor]
Ehrlich, Christine (Christa) [1903-1995. Austria/Netherlands. Silversmith/Textile Designer/Ceramist]
Bourne, Hilary [1909-2004. UK. Spinner/Weaver]
Round, Dorothy [1908-1982. UK. Sportswear Designer/Tennis Player]
Hutchinson, Mary [1875-1951. UK. Stained Glass]
Schlotzhauer, Jude [1947-. USA. Stained Glass Artist]
Bakst, Marni [1949-. USA. Stained Glass Designer]
Barnewall, V.M. de B. [1890-1962. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Barnewall, Violet Mary [1890-1962. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Bevington, Mariette [-. USA. Stained Glass Designer]
Brugniot, Marguerite [-. France. Stained Glass Designer]
Cartmel, Alice [-. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Chilton, Margaret Isabel [1875-1963. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Cowell, Margaret [-. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Cox, Trena Mary [1895-1977. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Erskine, A M. [-. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Fagan, Isobel (Isabel) [-. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Grant, Dorothy Marion [1912-1988. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Howson, Joan [1885-1964. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Jacob, Jessie Mary [1890-1933. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Jurs, Shelley [1951-. USA. Stained Glass Designer]
Kemp, Marjorie [1886-1975. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Kemp, Marjorie Boyce [1886-1975. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Lichtman, Linda [!941-2021. USA. Stained Glass Designer]
McLellan, Sadie [1914-2007. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Miller, Dorothy [-. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Nelson, Marion [1882-1934. Ireland. Stained Glass Designer]
Northrup, Agnes Fairchild [1857-1953. USA. Stained Glass Designer]
Richardson, Marjorie (Margery) [1894-. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Rope, Margaret Agnes [1882-1953. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Rope, Margaret Edith Aldrich [1891-1988. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Sadwith, Lucille [-. USA. Stained Glass Designer]
Snook, Forence [-. USA. Stained Glass Designer]
Spawforth, Gladys Kate [1887-1974. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Townshend, Caroline Charlotte [1878-1944. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Wesselhoeft, Mary Fraser [1873-1971. USA. Stained Glass Designer]
Woodcock, Evelyn May [1894-1960. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Yoxall, Nora [1892-1998. UK. Stained Glass Designer]
Gallin, Saara [1930?-. USA. Stained Glass Designer/Artist]
Coombe, Helen [-. UK. Stained Glass Designer/Decorative Painter]
Newill, Mary J. [1860-1947. UK. Stained Glass Designer/Embroiderer/Illustrator]
Geddes, Wilhelmina Margaret [1887-1955. Ireland. Stained Glass Designer/Illustrator/Embroiderer]
Whall, Veronica Mary [1887-1967. UK. Stained Glass Designer/Illustrator/Painter]
Lamb, Ella Condie [1862-1936. USA. Stained Glass Designer/Illustrator/Painter/Muralist/Mosaic Artist]
Camm, Florence [1874-1960. UK. Stained Glass Designer/Metalworker/Decorative Artist/Cartoonist]
Lungley, Edith Amelia [1876-1939. Australia/UK. Stained Glass Designer/Metalworker/Painter]
O’Brien, Catherine Amelia [1881-1963. Ireland. Stained Glass Designer/Mosaic Artist]
Mothersole, Jessie [-. UK. Stained Glass Designer/Muralist/ Mosaic Artist/Painter]
Esplin, Mabel [1874-1921. UK. Stained Glass Designer/Muralist/Painter]
Currey, Ada [1852-1913. UK. Stained Glass Designer/Painter]
Dunlop, Margaret Irene (Shakerley, Margaret Irene) [1893-1965. UK. Stained Glass Designer/Painter]
Hone, Evie [1894-1955. Ireland. Stained Glass Designer/Painter]
Purser, Sarah Henrietta [1848-1943. Ireland. Stained Glass Designer/Painter]
Tryggvadottir, Nina [1913-1968. Iceland. Stained Glass Designer/Painter]
Hyams, Harriet [1929-. USA. Stained Glass Designer/Sculptor]
Bateson, Edith [1867-1938. UK. Stained Glass Designer/Sculptor/Painter]
Fulleylove, Joan Elizabeth Anne [1886-1947. UK. Stained Glass Designer/Woodcut Artist/Painter]
Whitman, Sarah (Wyman, Sarah) [1842-1904. USA. Stained Glass/Book Cover Designer/Painter]
Morse, Alice Cordelia [1863-1961. USA. Stained Glass/Book Cover/Poster Designer]
Gaudet, Claire [1869-1945. UK. Stained Glass/Decorative Designer]
Eadie, Kate M. [1878-1945. UK. Stained Glass/Jewellery Designer/Illuminator]
Bell, M.A. [-. UK. Stained Glass/Jewellery Designer/Metalworker/Enameller]
Martin, Reba [-. USA. Stencil Artist]
Steadman, Ellen M. [-. UK. Stenciller]
Rayment, Katherine (Katharine) [-. UK. Stenciller/Metalworker/Stained Glass Designer]
Carocci, Eva [-. Italy. Stone Artist]
Hall, Catherine [-. USA. Surface Designer/Textile Artist]