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AnimatorsDisney ArchitectsMelbourne Women Women Women Women Maryland Art DirectorsArt HistoriansArtistsImmigrants Women Women Illinois Iowa Maryland Public Art Women Automotive DesignersMelbourne BasketmakersBook ArtistsBookbindersCalligraphersCartoonistsCeramistsMelbourne California Comic ArtistsCraftspeopleWomen Maryland Women DesignersWomen Women Maryland Ecclesiastical ArtistsEnamel ArtistsEtchers and EngraversFashion DesignersMelbourne Fibre ArtistsFilm DesignersFurniture DesignersGarden DesignersGlass Artists and DesignersCalifornia Glass DesignersGoldsmithsMelbourne Graphic DesignersMelbourne Women IllustratorsIllinois Industrial DesignersMelbourne Jewellery DesignersLandscape ArchitectsMelbourne Leather ArtistsMemorial ArtistsMetalsmithsMelbourne Tennessee Mixed Media ArtistsMaryland Women Mosaic ArtistsMural ArtistsMaryland MuralistsIllinois Los Angeles Oral HistoryPaintersWomen Maryland Tennessee Women PhotographersMelbourne Maryland Tennessee Postage Stamp DesignersPoster DesignersPrintmakersSculptorsWomen Illinois Maryland SilversmithsMelbourne Stained Glass ArtistsStonecarversTextile ArtistsTextile DesignersMelbourne Melbourne Theatre DesignersTypographersVideo ArtistsVisual ArtistsWar ArtistsWoodcarversWoodcraft Designers |
The United States Air Force Art Collection A major source of information on American aviation and combat art. Contains biographies of the many hundreds of artists whose work is represented in the USAF Art Collection. The USAF Art Program had its origins in 1950 with the transfer from the U.S. Army of some 800 works of art documenting the early days of the Army Air Corps., and has grown significantly since then. The database includes reproductions of most, if not all, of the work in the collection. |