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Archives de l'art français / Nouvelles Archives de l'art français [1857-1905]

L'Art Moderne [1881-1914]

Les Arts. Revue Mensuelle des Musées, Collections Expositions [1902-1919]

Augusta. Revista de Arte [1918-1920]

The Burlington Magazine [1903-1922]

Die Christliche Kunst: Monatsschrift für alle Gebiete der christlichen Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft [1904-1922]

The Connoisseur. An Illustrated Magazine for Collectors [1902-1922]

The Craftsman [1901-1916]

Gazette des Beaux-Arts [1859-1899]

Illustrated Magazine of Art [1853-1854]

International Studio [1907-1922]

Die Kunst. Monatshefte für frei und angewandte Kunst [1899-1922]

Magazine of Art [1881-1899]

The New Path [1863-1865]

The Yellow Book [1894-1897]

Archives de l'art français / Nouvelles Archives de l'art français

Paris: various publishers


To search, click on title. You can then download or click Read Online to view. Note: the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for some of the titles in the Internet Archive project is not very good, it is, therefore, advisable to check the list of contents for each volume when searching. You can only search one volume at a time. For all it is very useful, the Internet Archive is in a bit untidy and could do with some judicious editing. The volumes digitized are sometimes incoorrectly catalogued. It is necessary to look at each file separately in order to ascertain which volumes have been digitized. It would seem that most, if not all the volumes of this journal from 1857-1903 have been done.

For the bibliographical record of this journal see this link