Architecture | Art | Crafts | Design


Archives de l'art français / Nouvelles Archives de l'art français [1857-1905]

L'Art Moderne [1881-1914]

Les Arts. Revue Mensuelle des Musées, Collections Expositions [1902-1919]

Augusta. Revista de Arte [1918-1920]

The Burlington Magazine [1903-1922]

Die Christliche Kunst: Monatsschrift für alle Gebiete der christlichen Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft [1904-1922]

The Connoisseur. An Illustrated Magazine for Collectors [1902-1922]

The Craftsman [1901-1916]

Gazette des Beaux-Arts [1859-1899]

Illustrated Magazine of Art [1853-1854]

International Studio [1907-1922]

Die Kunst. Monatshefte für frei und angewandte Kunst [1899-1922]

Magazine of Art [1881-1899]

The New Path [1863-1865]

The Yellow Book [1894-1897]

AHR net Research Guides No.2:

Free-access, digitised art, architecture, design and craft journals on the Internet

The following journals have been digitised and are available free to access on the Internet. Click on the title to search. The dates given are for the period covered by the digitisation.

The focus is on journals that have originally been published in print format. A later edition of the guide will include archived files of e-journals.

It is hoped that the listing of journals that have been digitised will avoid duplication. It also shows where there are gaps that it would be good to fill.


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