Architecture | Art | Crafts | Design


Archives de l'art français / Nouvelles Archives de l'art français [1857-1905]

L'Art Moderne [1881-1914]

Les Arts. Revue Mensuelle des Musées, Collections Expositions [1902-1919]

Augusta. Revista de Arte [1918-1920]

The Burlington Magazine [1903-1922]

Die Christliche Kunst: Monatsschrift für alle Gebiete der christlichen Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft [1904-1922]

The Connoisseur. An Illustrated Magazine for Collectors [1902-1922]

The Craftsman [1901-1916]

Gazette des Beaux-Arts [1859-1899]

Illustrated Magazine of Art [1853-1854]

International Studio [1907-1922]

Die Kunst. Monatshefte für frei und angewandte Kunst [1899-1922]

Magazine of Art [1881-1899]

The New Path [1863-1865]

The Yellow Book [1894-1897]

Augusta. Revista de Arte

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Augusta

Vol.1, no.2, nos.2-7, July-December 1918 Vol.2, nos.8-13, January-June 1919 Vol.3, no.14-19, July-December 1919 [lacks no.16, September 1919] Vol.4, nos.20-25, January-June 1920 Vol.5, no.26-31, July-December 1920

To search, click on title. You can then download or click Read Online to view. Note: the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for some of the titles in the Internet Archive project is not very good, it is, therefore, advisable to check the list of contents for each volume when searching. You can only search one volume at a time. Text in Spanish. Comments: short-lived Argentine journal. Covered contemporary art architecture and design. Well digitized and easy to use.


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General tips for searching AHR net


You search AHR net in much the same as you would search Google or eBay.

  • You can use quotation marks to find an "exact phrase". Thus, if you want to find articles on the Arts and Crafts movement type "Arts and Crafts". This will find entries that specifically mention that term
  • AHR net automatically adds AND between terms. Thus, if you want to trace references to refrigerators designed by Raymond Loewy for Coldspot type Raymond Loewy refrigerator Coldspot. The string of terms can be any length
  • AHR net also includes a 'wild card' feature. This means that if you add an asterisk at the end of a term such as streamlin* it will find you streamline, streamlined, streamliner, and streamlining.


The AHR net Control Bar


You can use the Control Bar to switch between databases. For example, to find all the records on Birmingham in the databases, click Search, type Birmingham, and then click on the find button (or press the return key on your keyboard). AHR net will then find all the records for 'New York'. You can then click each of the tabs to find all the records containing New York in each of the databases.


Advanced Search


Using the Advanced Search screen you can narrow down your searches. For example if you want to trace profiles of female Italian furniture designers go to the Advanced Search screen of Arts+Architecture ProFiles and clear any existing search terms, click the Female only box, type Italy in the Country box, type furniture in the Subject Area box, and then click on the find button (or press the return key on your keyboard).


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