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Kosel, Hermann [1896-1983. Austria. Graphic/Poster Designer/Painter]


Hermann Kosel was born in Vienna, Austria, on 20 March 1896 and studied at the A… subscribers only

Photograph of Hermann Kosel (1896–1983)

Photograph of Hermann Kosel (1896–1983)


1. Denscher, Bernhard. Österreichische Plakatkunst 1898-1938. Vienna: Christian Brandstätter Verlagsgesellschaft, 1992 [ISBN: 3-85447-347-8]

2. Hermann Kosel: 50 jahre Kosel-plakate. Vienna: Österreichischen Museum für Angewandte Kunst, 1971 [Exhibition catalogue]

3. Poster art in Vienna. Chicago, Illinois: Julius Wisotzki, 1923 [Features work by Julius Klinger and his ‘school’ in Vienna and includes posters designed by Kosel]

See: 18 Records for Kosel, Hermann in DAR
See: 2 Pages for Kosel, Hermann in The Poster: Books, Exhibition Catalogues & Journal Literature 1890s-1920s