London: The Fleuron, 1923-1930.
The period covered initially by Arts:Search is 1923-1925. Available soon.
Generally considered one of the most important
British periodicals devoted to typography. Edited
by the influential typographic consultants Oliver
Simon and Stanley Morison, The Fleuron was the
journal of the Fleuron Society, founded by Simon,
Morison, Holbrook Jackson and Bernard
Newdigate in London 1922. The journal soon
achieved an international reputation for the
quality of its articles, with contributions from
many of the leading typographers, designers, and
graphic artists. It contained articles on W.A.
Dwiggins, Bruce Rogers, Claude Garamond, Eric
Gill, Rudolf Koch, Karl Klingspor , 'The
Typography of the 'Nineties', ‘On decorative
printing in America’ , ‘Mr. C.H. St. John Hornby's
Ashendene Press’. etc.
See: Grant Shipcott. Typographical Periodicals Between the Wars: A Critique of The Fleuron, Signature and Typography. Oxford, England: Oxford Polytechnic Press, 1980