Tokyo: National Committee on Intellectual
Cooperation of the League of Nations Association of
Japan, 1927-1932 [publication dates 1928-1932]
The period covered by Arts:Search is 1927-1932. Available now]
Annual survey [in English] of contemporary Japanese
art. Each volume contains details of recent acquisitions
by art museums; reports on recent exhibitions,
including those held by the Imperial Fine Arts Academy
Exhibition, the Institute of Japanese Art, and the
Nikakai Society; news on the activities of the principal
schools and institutes of fine art in Japan; profiles of art
organizations in Japan; reports on recent auction sales
of works of art; a directory [biographies] of
contemporary Japanese artists and art workers;
illustrations of recent work by contemporary Japanese
artists; and a bibliography. The Year Book of Japanese Art
is an invaluable source of reference on Japanese art
during the years it was published.